There are 409 repositories under express-handlebars topic.
Build a MERN Stack App from scratch, and deploy it to Heroku
Express Handlebars - Youtube Video
Simple Todo App with MongoDB, Express.js and Node.js
A practical web application built with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB for you to readily record, view, and manage your expense with an account: Create, view, edit, delete, filter expenses are as easy as pie 👉
Todo App With Login System, Built using MongoDB , Express.js , and Node.js
Meal delivery website clone built with NodeJS & Express. Hosted at:
App that enables users to sign up in a fictional Skate event and login afterwards using JWT authentication. Backend made with the Express framework for Node
Basic login-register app with Nodejs, Express, MySQL, JWT, Bootstrap, Handlebars
🐧 NodeJS, Express, Mongoose and Handlebars Boilerplate App - Zwitter (Basic clone of Twitter)
A web app that lets users find, view, and make notes on coding lessons, courses, videos, resources, and articles scraped from various code learning and news websites (w3schools, coursera, codecademy, youtube, medium, and more). Utilizes a mongodb nosql database, express, express-handlebars, mongoose, cheerio, datatables.js, and axios.
A practical web application built with Node.js, Express, and MySQL for you to readily record, view, and manage your expense with an account: Create, view, edit, delete, filter expenses are as easy as pie 🥧
Contact Form Backend Clean Template
A great and simple website based on express with MySQL using.
A Websocket for Express, written in Nodejs (Absolutely) with Express-Handlebars and MySQL DB.
Teagram is a full stack RESTful API social media application allowing users to login/signup and create a user profile with user information and uploaded profile picture. Teagram allows users to upload images, and add/edit captions, or delete their images. Users can view other users uploaded images, add likes, and comments.
A social-media web application that allows a user to make an account and log in, create, edit, and delete owned games entries following a template that saves to the user, add or remove friends, and share entries with added friends.
A simple blog web application using Node.js
For documentation purposes only
MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular CLI 7.0.6, Node) app using Google Maps to show shops selling Zero Waste products
Quick Email templating with express-handlebars, nodemailer, and google OAuth. Using an email template from Litmus for example
This is a full-stack group project app that utilizes express.js for routing, mySQL for the database, Sequelize as an ORM for data rigidity, axios for 3rd party API calls, lodash for data manipulation, Handlebars as the templating engine, bcrypt for password hashing, and dotenv for sensitive information.
Group Project 2 for the University of Utah Full Stack Coding Bootcamp. Group Members: Bryan Lee, Eric Bishop, Bronson Bird, and Jim Schlader. Project Description: Our new project is an RPG called Road to Rome. You play a gladiator who must fight his way from the "minor leagues" up to the ultimate glory in Rome. Gladiators must choose their weapons and armor wisely to match their own abilities the fighting style of their opponent. They will be able to scout their opponent before they face off, including seeing their opponent's win/loss record, previous weapon/armor configurations, and an estimate of the opponent's abilities. Winners of matches get a victory purse with which to upgrade gear and invest in training. Advancement to better Arenas brings contact with better opponents and bigger purses. Combat in the arena requires balancing tactics to take advantage of an opponent's weakness while minimizing your own. Prepare wisely and fight bravely, for the reward for victory is great fame and wealth but the price of failure is your life!
ZapMail, Recurring mail service.
Appointify: An Open Source project for booking doctor's appointments.
Scrape the News - a web app that lets users view and leave comments on the latest news
berlin current temperature using node.js and openweathermap api
Practice Basic NodeJS-ExpressJS Interact With Handlebars
an application that meets the MVC paradigm, that uses Node.js, Express.js, Express-Handlebars, MySQL, Sequelize, and Nodemailer to keep track of a users' tasks
Enable Express-handlebars to support read handlebars files from memory.
Mail Schedule App with Login and Google Authorization
Node express starter.
Lightweight Node.js server with lots of features to bootstrap your project.
A Simple CRUD Application with Google OAuth20
Full-Stack Example of a blog that allows users to make posts and comment.