Group Project 2 for the University of Utah Full Stack Coding Bootcamp. Group Members: Bryan Lee, Eric Bishop, Bronson Bird, and Jim Schlader. Project Description: Our new project is an RPG called Road to Rome. You play a gladiator who must fight his way from the "minor leagues" up to the ultimate glory in Rome. Gladiators must choose their weapons and armor wisely to match their own abilities the fighting style of their opponent. They will be able to scout their opponent before they face off, including seeing their opponent's win/loss record, previous weapon/armor configurations, and an estimate of the opponent's abilities. Winners of matches get a victory purse with which to upgrade gear and invest in training. Advancement to better Arenas brings contact with better opponents and bigger purses. Combat in the arena requires balancing tactics to take advantage of an opponent's weakness while minimizing your own. Prepare wisely and fight bravely, for the reward for victory is great fame and wealth but the price of failure is your life!
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Log battle happenings to combat log modal.
#104 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
There's a div holding user current stats hanging out with the user's base stats and equipment. It needs to go.
#138 opened by jamesschlader - 0
The user's base stats and equipment buttons in the arena do not line up correctly for some reason.
#139 opened by jamesschlader - 0
Need to find a handlebars solution for dynamically populating inside quotes so that we can adjust the href to the market so that it calls a different endpoint based on ArenaId. Otherwise, we'll need to create a ludus magnus js file to route the request instead.
#140 opened by jamesschlader - 0
Must find a non-button method for activating a modal to declare the game over.
#137 opened by jamesschlader - 0
Need "loading" animations when signing a current user and while waiting to go into the arena.
#136 opened by jamesschlader - 0
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Deploy to Heroku
#100 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Turn based combat proceeds in the arena against a CPU generated and controlled combatant until their is a clear victor.
#103 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Jim finish battle/arena button functionality.
#111 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Make arena page mobile responsive
#129 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Make app as mobile responsive as possible (with the exception of the arena page)
#128 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Credits Page for Footer: Sass, NPM Packages, Handlebars, Node, MySQL, Passport, Materialize, Express, etc.
#98 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Edit HTML routes so that character must be created before being able to view any other pages.
#117 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Create 401 Invalid Auth for API requests without user account and log in.
#123 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
About Page for Footer
#97 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Add user auth to api routes.
#108 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Convert instructions page placeholder to modal that opens on nav bar ? button.
#102 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Functionality for selling purchased gear.
#105 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Convert whatever possible to es6 syntax.
#99 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
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Incorporate money spending/wallet subtraction into market weapon and armor purchases.
#94 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Alter weapon and armor pricing in models to just lira cost instead of gp and sp for ease of use on market page.
#96 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Basic Instructions Page
#101 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
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Modal to display round results in arena
#82 opened by Skeeter404 - 0
edit arena view to easily view character's base stats, equipped weapon, and equipped armor
#88 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
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post equipped items to equipment table
#90 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
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add inventory page where items can be equipped, only allow one piece of armor and one weapon to be equipped at a time
#92 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
purchase items and add to purchased table associated with character by Id
#93 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
JS for the 4 main user controlled phases of battle mechanics. Assign those phases to floating action buttons on arena page. MVP will have both user and NPC manually controlled.
#67 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Database query and handlebars functionality to fill in weapons and armor on market page.
#64 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
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psuedocode function to generate AI battles, including NPC constructions and adding object instances to the appropriate tables (NPC and Battles).
#50 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
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Design site favicon.
#74 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
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POST request for sending created character information to User table (using existing API post route created by Jim).
#66 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Make User character and NPC info populated dynamically from User and NPC tables instead of hardcoded placeholder initially added.
#70 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
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Dynamically populate arena page with user info and stats as well as npc user and stats.
#65 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
As the character advances, the equipment market gets better and Arena may offer options unique to them.
#68 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
User auth for HTML routes.
#69 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
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Battle Mechanics JS: phases of turn (speed round, commit actions round, resolve actions round, recovery round), character stats and how they function in battle, dice roll, etc.
#56 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Psuedocode logic for the game loop.
#55 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0
Style Landing Page to theme using Sass. Use those classes on each subsequent page.
#48 opened by bryan-lee-git - 0