
There are 36 repositories under flutter-charts topic.

  • syncfusion/flutter-examples

    This repository contains the Syncfusion Flutter UI widgets examples and the guide to use them.

  • TBR-Group-software/flutter_cryptocurrency_charts

    Flutter Cryptocurrency Charts application based on Clean Architecture.

  • Crypto-App-Flutter


    Crypto App (API+UI) with support for dark and light mode. Created by Martin Gogolowicz.

  • SyncfusionExamples/render_chart_with_firebase_json_data_flutter_charts

    Using the Firebase REST API and HTTP client, you can retrieve the JSON data from the Firebase database and also with the help of the deserialization concept (parsing of raw JSON data to dart object model) you can convert the retrieved JSON data to chart data list for the Flutter Cartesian chart. The Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted...

  • warioddly/graphify

    A data visualization charts library🖼️, based on Apache ECharts☄️, able to build advanced charts like WebGL 3D, GIS map, etc.🌍

  • SyncfusionExamples/how-to-create-a-real-time-flutter-chart-in-10-minutes

    Create a real time flutter chart in 10 minutes | Syncfusion Flutter

  • SyncfusionExamples/candlestick-flutter-charts

    Our Cartesian chart widget provides financial chart support. The candlestick provides information about the open, close, high and low price over a particular period. Here if the opening price is higher than the closing price, the candle is filled and if the closing is higher than the opening price, then candle is unfilled. The wick at top represe..

  • chihyunwon/Flutter_chart

    flutter fl_chart 라이브러리의 사용

  • DarrylBayliss/Of-Course-I-Still-Love-You

    A Flutter app to show SpaceX launches.

  • MichaelKMalak/flutter_heart_metrics

    A toy app to view heart metrics

  • mrusamamuzaffar/animated_door_opening

    A very beautiful, super sophisticated door opening animation in Flutter. I did not use any package or plugin. It is just a custom door animation.

  • muchirajunior/FlutterDash

    Desktop application dashboard with Flutter

  • SyncfusionExamples/date-time-series-flutter-chart

    Our Flutter Cartesian chart provides DateTimeAxis support to render the date-time values. By default interval type will be calculated based on the data. If you wish to calculate the interval on specific type say for example month, hours, seconds, etc, then intervalType property can be used and if you wish to show the date time values in a specific.

  • SyncfusionExamples/sliding_viewport_functionality_flutter_charts

    A quick-start example to help you add the Syncfusion Flutter Charts package to a Flutter app. You will learn how to add a background image for a Cartesian chart. SfCartesianChart has support to achieve sliding view port functionality. You can achieve this by using the selectDataPoints public method, visibleMinimum, visibleMaximum, and onPlotArea...

  • SyncfusionExamples/synchronized_trackball_flutter_chart

    In Flutter Cartesian Chart widget, you can synchronize the trackball of multiple charts using the available callback events and public methods. A callback event is a callback function or method, which you can pass as an argument to another function or method. It can perform an action when you require it, and public methods are methods that can...

  • xiaobaiha/flutter_charts


  • hectorlemus/flutter-demo

    Project to view and test flutter features.

  • IbrahimKhattab172000/capstone_app

    Capstone app is an application I made alongside with high school students connecting their hardware that is detecting the heart rate and flow rate to firebase and receiving and sending data and showing this data in graphs and charts to track the data we use some functions to filter the data and show insights we're also have an AI shared boot

  • centaurusgod/flutter_high_low_graph

    A flutter application that plots a graph of maximum and minimum value of any attribute.

  • SyncfusionExamples/axis-label-currency-format-flutter-charts

    Flutter Cartesian chart widget provides support for applying currency format to the numeric axis labels in various representations. This can be achieved using the numberFormat property of an axis. There are two types of methods that can be used to format the numeric axis labels in currency format such...

  • SyncfusionExamples/change_visble_range_using_rangeselector

    In Flutter Cartesian Chart widget, you can change the visible chart range using the SfRangeSelector widget and the RangeController class, which is available in the Syncfusion core package. Flutter Range Selector is a highly interactive UI control for selecting a smaller range from a larger data set and the RangeController is used for setting and...

  • SyncfusionExamples/datetime_yaxis_customization

    The Flutter Cartesian Chart widget provides support for customizing the axis labels in the chart using the callback event on rendering. A callback event is a callback function or method, which you pass as an argument to another function or method and can perform an action when you require it. If you want to display DateTime values in the y-axis...

  • SyncfusionExamples/disable_trackball_marker_specific_series

    Flutter Cartesian Chart widget provides support for customizing the trackball marker to render only for the particular series of our choice in the chart using the markerVisibility property of the TrackballMarkerSettings available in the chart. For example, consider there are two cartesian line series in the chart, and if you need to show only...

  • SyncfusionExamples/drill_down_flutter_cartesian_chart-

    Our Syncfusion Flutter chart widgets supports drilldown functionality. Drilldown functionality in chart is used to explore the data in more depth to reveal additional details. Drilldown feature can easily be implemented using the Syncfusion Flutter chart package and it is supported in all chart types including Cartesian, Circular, Funnel, Pyramid..

  • SyncfusionExamples/dynamic_series_animation_flutter_charts

    The Flutter Cartesian Chart widget provides support to dynamically animate cartesian chart series using the public method. A Public method is a method that can be called by using the class object where they are defined. The public method used to dynamically animate the cartesian series in the chart is the animate() method of the ChartSeriesContr...

  • SyncfusionExamples/flutter-cartesian-animated-charts

    A quick-start example to help you add the Syncfusion Flutter Charts package to a Flutter app. You will learn how to add a Cartesian chart to a Flutter project. Our Flutter Cartesian chart provides animation support by default. The animationDuration property in the chart series is used to control the speed of the animation and its default value is..

  • SyncfusionExamples/gradient_rotation_flutter_chart

    In Flutter Cartesian Chart widget, you can apply gradient for the chart series and rotate the gradient rendering angle with the help of the gradient property of the chart series. This property can be set using the LinearGradient constructor, which holds the gradient colors list for the series, stops values list for the gradient colors, begin and...

  • SyncfusionExamples/How-to-Create-Flutter-Charts-from-JSON-Data

    A quick-start example to help you create a chart from JSON data using the Syncfusion Flutter Chart. You will learn how to load the JSON data and map it to the chart series.

  • SyncfusionExamples/initial_dynamic_tooltip_activation_flutter-charts

    The SfCartesianChart widget provides an option to show tooltip programmatically using showByIndex method. By using that, we can display a tooltip at a particular point. The following steps explain how to accomplish this. Add addPostFrameCallback method in build method, and call the showByIndex method by passing series and point indexes as an argu..

  • SyncfusionExamples/plot-area-background-image-flutter-chart

    A quick-start example to help you add the Syncfusion Flutter Charts package to a Flutter app. You will learn how to add a background image for a Cartesian chart. SfCartesianChart provides support for rendering the background image for the plot area. You can set the desired image as a background for the plot area using the plotAreaBackgroundImage...

  • SyncfusionExamples/public-methods-crosshair-flutter-chart

    A quick-start example to help you add the Syncfusion Flutter Charts package to a Flutter app. You will learn how to add a Cartesian chart to a Flutter project. You will then learn how to show/hide the crosshair in Flutter Cartesian chart using the public methods.

  • SyncfusionExamples/rounded_corner_customization_flutter_chart

    Flutter Cartesian chart widget provides support for customizing the corners of the Rect series types using the borderRadius property of the chart series such as column, range column, bar, stacked column, and stacked bar. By using the borderRadius property, you can change the radius of the corners so that the corners can be shaped in either in...

  • SyncfusionExamples/selection_public_methods_flutter_charts

    The Flutter Cartesian Chart widget provides support to programmatically do the data points selection on the charts using the public methods. Public methods are methods that can be called by using the class object where they are defined. Likewise, our chart widget also has a public method to select the data points in the charts dynamically called...

  • SyncfusionExamples/synchronize_panning_flutter_chart

    Flutter Cartesian Chart widget can be used to do synchronized panning in multiple charts using the callback events available in the chart and keys available in Flutter framework. Callback events are callback function or a method, which you pass as an argument into another function or method and can perform an action when you require it and....
