This repository contains the Syncfusion Flutter UI widgets examples and the guide to use them.
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Fail to start for Linux app on flutter 3.24.5
#879 opened by sgon00 - 1
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[help needed] Cant find a way to build such chart
#883 opened by dkati - 1
Vertical scroll bar in CalendarView.timelineWeek
#884 opened by kyleb-app - 1
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tooltipBehavior show twice sometimes
#887 opened by shenglintang - 8
How to give height for the date cell ?
#825 opened by naveenbarath99 - 2
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Column Chart Series spacing
#876 opened by alessandroToninelli - 1
Spline Area Chart with dynamic gradient.
#878 opened by PawanRamteke - 1
How can i customize resource view ?
#869 opened by Umang-Reformiqo-2024 - 3
I just import the syncfusion_flutter_charts in my flutter project it gives me errors? Previous its working but now its giving error.
#820 opened by sachhu411288 - 2
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Event Calendar could not show the details
#865 opened by GaoXing0608 - 1
Add Support for Header Customization. It does have a loadMoreWidgetBuilder, but it is built on the fixed widget such as month, date picker, navigation arrow, and view menu widgets. I want to be able to build what under those or even between it. That would be awsome.
#872 opened by ChhengkheangO - 1
trackballBehavior - Dynamically change the color of respective X axis label, when interacting with the chart
#870 opened by svscorp - 4
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Having multiple charts bugs the X Axis
#861 opened by salmantln - 2
How to merge some cells for DataGrid?
#863 opened by GaoXing0608 - 2
if the table is editing table then if when press enter it actives the text field in the grid I have tried it to implement in the data source also by using keyboard event nothings work if there is aa way out lmk
#864 opened by minahil57 - 0
Using onPlotAreaSwipe cannot be triggered by sliding the chart, but rather by using both hands to trigger it
#862 opened by changewhite - 1
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Changing intervals on graph axis
#830 opened by sevekim - 1
#834 opened by PmPPolska - 1
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CandleChart problem
#848 opened by Hugeen2014 - 1
#855 opened by PmPPolska - 1
cannot start the project
#856 opened by chirastefan - 1
The examples given are not developer friendly :(
#857 opened by untillnesss - 1
Problem while converting doc file to pdf
#835 opened by mokaily - 3
[Sf_Calendar] latest versions assume that there is a "notes" getter in custom appointment models.
#851 opened by Wizzel1 - 1
there is no way to load an existing xlsx file in flutter with the package syncfusion_flutter_xlsio
#850 opened by amincoding - 1
Error: The getter 'isMetaPressed' isControlPressed isn't defined for the class 'HardwareKeyboard'
#849 opened by MikePendo - 7
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flutter samples
#828 opened by awaisajmal22 - 1
ontap in resourceViewHeaderBuilder in SfCalendar
#827 opened by bybabek - 1
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Unhandled Exception: type 'PdfReferenceHolder' is not a subtype of type 'PdfDictionary?' in type cast
#822 opened by ndubbaka - 1
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Provide legend initial visibility state param
#847 opened by bismarabia - 4
SfRadialGauge has a white space
#840 opened by lxy8228535 - 0
SfRadialGauge has white space
#839 opened by lxy8228535 - 0
Unable to drag and drop recurring appointment in timeline monthly view in the syncfusion calendar
#838 opened by Fasikawkn - 3
[syncfusion_flutter_datepicker 23.1.43] How do I make the size of the calendar smaller?
#829 opened by ricoricc - 0
#832 opened by PmPPolska - 2
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initiate series as invisible. but the legend is "visible" and after click legend, all series is visible.
#821 opened by azizainunnajib - 1
HiloSeries chart dot issue while scrolling and padding between line and dataLabelSettings
#819 opened by anis-mansuri