Semi-doughnut chart label issue being cut off and off the screen.
rabismail opened this issue · 1 comments
sdk: '>=3.0.0 <4.0.0' (flutter beta)
syncfusion_flutter_charts: ^24.1.45
Consider the sample provided default_doughnut_chart.dart
And by modifying the sample code to be as follow:
class SemiDoughnutChart extends StatelessWidget {
const SemiDoughnutChart({super.key});
/// Return the circular chart with default doughnut series.
SfCircularChart _buildDefaultDoughnutChart() => SfCircularChart(
title: const ChartTitle(text: 'Composition of ocean water'),
margin: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 0, 0, 0),
series: _getDefaultDoughnutSeries(),
tooltipBehavior: TooltipBehavior(enable: true, format: 'point.x : point.y%'),
/// Returns the doughnut series which need to be render.
List<DoughnutSeries<ChartSampleData, String>> _getDefaultDoughnutSeries() =>
<DoughnutSeries<ChartSampleData, String>>[
DoughnutSeries<ChartSampleData, String>(
explode: true,
dataSource: <ChartSampleData>[
ChartSampleData(x: 'Chlorine', y: 11, text: '4.5%'),
ChartSampleData(x: 'Sodium', y: 235, text: '95.5%'),
xValueMapper: (ChartSampleData data, _) => data.x as String,
yValueMapper: (ChartSampleData data, _) => data.y,
dataLabelMapper: (ChartSampleData data, _) => "${data.text}\n${data.y}",
startAngle: 250,
endAngle: 110,
radius: '95%',
innerRadius: '70%',
dataLabelSettings: const DataLabelSettings(
isVisible: true,
labelPosition: ChartDataLabelPosition.outside,
labelIntersectAction: LabelIntersectAction.none,
Widget build(BuildContext context) => Card.filled(
child: _buildDefaultDoughnutChart(),
Check also this:
I know that decreasing radius from '95%' to '70%' will solve the issue, but the lib should be able to handle this automatically...
Hi @rabismail,
We have validated and analyzed the reported issue ‘Data label is cropping with plot area bounds edge’ at our end. As per the chart behavior, data label should be rendered with in the plot area bounds and it’s the correct behavior. Previous (23.1) versions data label edge detection behavior is considered with chart area and its wrong, so we have corrected this behavior in volume 4 main release (24.1).
We have already logged the FR for ‘Improve the data label positioning based on the available place’ and we will consider your case with this feature request. This feature will be available in any of our upcoming releases.
If you have any additional specifications or suggestions for this feature request, please feel free to leave them in the comments section of the feedback link. This will help us to understand how you would like to use it and how we can improve it.
Lokesh P.