
There are 154 repositories under gemini-ai topic.

  • Amery2010/TalkWithGemini

    Deploy your private Gemini application for free with one click, supporting Gemini 1.5 Pro, Gemini 1.5 Flash, Gemini Pro and Gemini Pro Vision models. 一键免费部署您的私人 Gemini 应用, 支持 Gemini 1.5 Pro、Gemini 1.5 Flash、Gemini Pro 和 Gemini Pro Vision 模型。

  • openai-gemini


    Gemini ➜ OpenAI API proxy. Serverless!

  • AI-Writer


    ALwrity - All in One AI Content Platform. Contextual AI Content generation for Website, Social media & Ad copywriting. Prevents AI hallucinations, Web Researched factual, SEO optimized content. Get blog Images. Create your AI Agents Content team. Generate content with RAG, Local documents, web urls, PDFs. Open Source AI writer. (WIP)

  • gemini-ai


    A Ruby Gem for interacting with Gemini through Vertex AI, Generative Language API, or AI Studio, Google's generative AI services.

  • e-roy/gemini-pro-vision-playground

    A simple playground Web UI for using the Gemini Pro Vision and Gemini Pro AI models with Next.js

  • Gemini-AI-KMP-App


    Gemini AI Kotlin Multiplatform project designed to target Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux, and Web platforms.

  • Curated-Awesome-Lists/Awesome-Google-Gemini-AI

    Gemini AI, Google's latest and greatest, surpasses its predecessor, even outshining GPT-4. It's the newest iteration in Google's lineup of AI models, excelling in various tasks. With Nano, Pro, and the upcoming Ultra versions, it's designed for diverse user needs.

  • haseeb-heaven/gemini-vision-pro

    Google Gemini Vision Web application with Speech and Text

  • shamspias/langchain-gemini-api

    An innovative AI conversation API leveraging Google's Gemini for multimodal understanding. Combines FastAPI, Langchain, and Redis for robust, scalable, and privacy-conscious text and image-based interactions

  • sublime-nano-bots


    Boost productivity and power your workflow with Nano Bots for Sublime Text: small, AI-powered bots that can be easily shared as a single file, designed to support multiple providers such as Cohere Command, Google Gemini, Maritaca AI MariTalk, Mistral AI, Ollama, OpenAI ChatGPT, and others, with support for calling tools (functions).

  • KhubaibKhan4/Gemini-AI-KMP

    Gemini Ai KMP is a Kotlin Multiplatform Project(Android, iOS, Web and Desktop) using the Official Gemini Starter Api.

  • codenze/bard-api-node

    bard-api-node is a Node.js library for interacting with Bard, an AI Chatbot developed by Google. Bard is based on Google's Large language model (LLM), LaMDA, which is designed to generate human-like text and images in response to prompts.

  • EnArvy/Discord-Gemini-Chatbot

    A completely free python discord chat bot which uses Google's Gemini API.

  • samson-shukla/google-gemini-ai

    Google's Gemini API on NodeJs

  • sudoAlireza/GeminiBot

    TelegramBot Tool to Interact with Google's Gemini AI Chatbot

  • VisionScriptBot


    A telegram bot that uses Google's Gemini Pro Vision API to convert image to text

  • ion


    Build your own JARVIS: An AI voice interface that enables you to talk with an AI model, creating a conversational experience. It offers a modern alternative to traditional virtual assistants. Highly customizable, leveraging Picovoice; powerful, backed by Nano Bots compatible with OpenAI ChatGPT and Google Gemini; and hackable, supporting Nano Apps.

  • bisnuray/GeminiProBot

    Gemini is an advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) system designed to intelligently respond to diverse prompts, including pictures, text, speech, music, and code. This Python Telegram Bot script leverages the aiogram library to interact with Google's AI.

  • kaichen/chrome-builtin-ai-ext

    Make a demo using chrome built-in Gemini Nano.

  • Taurus


    An AI Discord Bot leveraging Googles Gemini 1.5 Model & Prodia!

  • obsidian-nano-bots


    Nano Bots for Obsidian: small, AI-powered bots that can be easily shared as a single file, designed to support multiple providers such as Cohere Command, Google Gemini, Maritaca AI, Mistral AI, Ollama, OpenAI ChatGPT, and others, + function calling.

  • dipjyotimetia/jarvis

    A generative AI-driven CLI for testing

  • harshxraj/ai-form-builder

    Next js app where users can easily create customized forms by providing prompts, and the forms can be published for others to fill out. The admin of the form can access and view all responses submitted.

  • KaushalVasava/GeminiAI

    It is a AI application where you can get information from text, image and get info. in convertational format. It is build using Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Gemini generative ai, Koin, Room library and MVVM architecture.

  • Th3-C0der/Th3-GPT

    Th3-GPT Prompt/Script Will Jailbreak ChatGPT / Other AI Models

  • Uralstech/UGemini

    A Unity C# wrapper for the Google Gemini API.

  • vscode-nano-bots


    Boost productivity and power your workflow with Nano Bots for Visual Studio Code: small, AI-powered bots that can be easily shared as a single file, designed to support multiple providers such as Cohere Command, Google Gemini, Maritaca AI MariTalk, Mistral AI, Ollama, OpenAI ChatGPT, and others, with support for calling tools (functions).

  • ainoya/chrome-extension-web-distiller-ai

    Chrome extension that summarizes web page contents using Gemini Nano. Features include secure in-browser summarization, markdown output, and translation options.

  • iamsrikanthnani/gemini

    Gemini is an open-source application powered by the Google Gemini Vision API. It enables users to identify and learn about objects captured by their camera through a simple and interactive experience. Just say 'Hey Gemini' and show an object to the camera and say!

  • bisnuray/gemini-pro

    Gemini is an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) system designed to intelligently respond to diverse prompts, including pictures, text, speech, music, and code.

  • chyiiiiiiiiiiii/better-world

    Engage kids in environmental care with our game!

  • kmp-storyteller


    Choose a character 🐶🐱 and Gemini AI will generate a bedtime story for you.

  • kardespro/geminipro-prompts

    System Promp Lists for Google's Gemini AI

  • shamspias/gemini-telegram-bot

    A versatile Telegram bot designed to handle text and photo messages, featuring API integration, Markdown formatting, and asynchronous processing.

  • ximilsoft/awesome-ai-prompts

    Collection of custom AI prompts for ChatGPT and Gemini, designed following best practices to achieve optimal results.

  • bisnuray/GeminiAiWeb

    This repository contains the code for a web-based multimodal web chat application that integrates gemini AI, allowing users to interact using both text and images.
