
There are 30 repositories under gene-expression-profiles topic.

  • seandavi/awesome-single-cell

    Community-curated list of software packages and data resources for single-cell, including RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, etc.

  • federicomarini/awesome-expression-browser

    😎 A curated list of software and resources for exploring and visualizing (browsing) expression data 😎

  • tlatkowski/deep-learning-gene-expression

    Deep learning methods for feature selection in gene expression autism data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook343317
  • TissUUmapsCore


    TissUUmaps is a browser-based tool for fast visualization and exploration of millions of data points overlaying a tissue sample. TissUUmaps can be used as a web service or locally in your computer, and allows users to share regions of interest and local statistics.

  • maclean-lab/RVAgene

    Recurrent Variational Auto gene encoder

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20335
  • novasmedley/deepRadiogenomics

    Methods for training and interpreting deep radiogenomic neural networks

  • tbrunetti/NMF_unsupervised_clustering

    Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Gene Expression Clustering

  • kullrich/orthomap

    orthomap is a python package to extract orthologous maps (in other words the evolutionary age of a given orthologous group) from OrthoFinder/eggNOG results. Orthomap results (gene ages per orthogroup) can be further used to calculate weigthed expression data (transcriptome evolutionary index) from scRNA sequencing objects.

  • SaniyaKhullar/NetREm

    Network Regression Embeddings reveal cell-type Transcription Factor coordination for target gene (TG) regulation

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5221
  • tagtag/TDbasedUFE

    This is a R package that intends to perform all the features possible by tensor decomposition based unsupervised feature extraction

  • CoXPath/CoXPath

    Scripts and data from "Towards a global investigation of transcriptomic signatures through co-expression networks and pathway knowledge for the identification of disease mechanisms"

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4304
  • keypathwayminer-R


    R package for de novo pathway enrichment using KeyPathwayMiner

  • DEIB-GECO/GIS-weighted_LASSO

    Integrative approach to feature selection combining weighted LASSO and prior biological knowldge

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4400
  • cashoes/sear

    Simple (effin') Enrichment Analysis in R

  • dccc-lab/AsthmaGXSigs

    Shared TREM-1 expression signatures of asthma affection and control

  • krishan57gupta/ROSeq

    ROSeq - A rank based approach to modeling gene expression with filtered and normalized read count matrix. Takes in the complete filtered and normalized read count matrix, the location of the two sub-populations and the number of cores to be used.

  • kullrich/scTEI

    add any phylogenetically based transcriptome evolutionary index (TEI) to single-cell data objects

  • cashoes/enumerateblood

    A multi-response Gaussian model capable of accurately estimating the composition of blood samples from their gene expression profiles. Fit on Affymetrix Gene ST gene expression profiles using the glmnet R package.

  • GeneNetFusion


    Language:Jupyter Notebook1304
  • krishan57gupta/iCTC

    The goal of iCTC is to detect whether peripheral blood cells have CTCs (circulating tumor cell) or not.

  • Mahsa-Ehsanifard/WGCNA

    Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis;

  • EcoGEx


    Arabidopsis EcoGEx (R-📦 + 🕸️-App)

  • EliasFarr/SPOT

    SPOT - Swift Profiling Of Transcriptomes - a shiny app for gene ranking according to user-defined expression profiles

  • krishan57gupta/ORsurv

    survival of patients using ors on TCGA data

  • MarieOestreich/PRO-GENE-GEN

    This repository contains the implementation for "Towards Biologically Plausible and Private Gene Expression Data Generation" (accepted at PoPETs 2024)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0201
  • rajewsky-lab/SPACEGERM

    SPACEGERM shiny app (archived, see GitLab for active fork)

  • WojciechMigda/TCO-CMap2

    CMap2 Top Coder Data Science Marathon Match

  • BenTremblay1/CCSU_Special_Project_

    Predicting the Probability or Occurrence of Relapse for Colorectal Cancer Patients using Gene Expression Data

  • JDRomano2/gexpro

    A library and toolkit for common representation and analysis of gene expression profile data

  • RRafiee/GeneExpressionClassification

    NanoString classifier based on NGS training set
