
There are 27 repositories under genericrepository topic.

  • TanvirArjel/EFCore.GenericRepository

    This repository contains Generic Repository implementation for Entity Framework Core

  • urfnet/URF.NET

    Unit of Work & Repositories Framework - .NET 4.x

  • besnik/generic-repository

    Generic implementation of Repository pattern in C# .NET

  • FoundatioFx/Foundatio.Repositories

    Generic repositories

  • anton-martyniuk/Modern

    .NET modern tools for fast and efficient development

  • programmingexperience/OnionArchitecture

    Design and develop token based Web API 2 using c# based on Onion Architecture with generic repository,unit of work and centralized exception logging system.

  • brunobrandes/cosmos-db-sql-api-repository

    A generic implementation of Repository Pattern in C# to Cosmos DB SQL API

  • Nikoo-Asadnejad/GenericRepository

    This class library implements the Generic Repository Pattern for SQL Server databases. It supports both asynchronous and synchronous operations and is designed to offer a clean and efficient data access layer.

  • FakeSe/GlobalRepository

    GlobalRepository is a generic repository that replace all the repositories in your project, in this way you will just need to use one and unique repository which mean to maintain one repository. With GlobalRepository you don't need to create a new repository for each Model and define methods ! just add and use it.

  • eminyuce/StoreManagement

    Store Management

  • EmircanKoc1/RentACarNow

    Asp.Net Core API + CQRS(Read and Write API) + MongoDB + Sql Server + EntityFrameworkCore + RabbitMQ + Onion Architecture + Event Driven Architecture + Outbox Pattern + Inbox Pattern

  • mwlt68/WebApiTemplate

    Web Api Template is a project developed to speed up and simplify project development on the .Net Core Web API.

  • BetulTugce/VocabList

    This is a Blazor Server app developed with ASP.NET Core Web API on .NET 7.0. Users can create custom word lists, managing words, meanings, types, and examples for efficient language learning.

  • GinCanhViet/MVC-solution-structure-example

    Just an example for MVC project architecture. Using Dapper with StructureMap.

  • mayankgaur/AgreementApplication

    MVC Grid Example with CRUD Operation

  • MbarkT3STO/MBRepoCore

    An Open-Source, Abstract, full generic , and cross RDBMS repository project for Entity Framework Core

  • BirajMainali/base-dotnet

    This is a base-class library project, which contains important material for the Modular .Net Core projects.

  • MR-Amoori/Store-Accounting

    پروژه حسابداری فروشگاه موبایل با امکان مدیریت مشتریان، مدیریت کالا های فروشگاه، خدمات سخت افزاری و خدمات نرم افزاری

  • Oguzdmrl/MyBackend-Net5

    CQRS, MediaTR, EntityFramework & Generic UnitOfWork & InMemoryCache

  • RidvanOrun/FarmasiMarketPlace

    In this Project I use .NetCore, N Layered Architecture, Generic Repository Design Pattern, Wep-Apı, Mongo Db and Redis.

  • neodescorpio/Angular5WebApiCore

    WebAPI implemented with GenericRepository and UnitOfWork patterns

  • ptvce/AccountingWinApp

    a simple windows project with OOP (Accounting)

  • quartz2875/EFCore-GenericRepository.Common

    Nuget Package with support for .NET 6 , GenericRepository Pattern and Dependency Injection. It is built for microservices that will only be responsible for Add and Update operations in a Distributed Microservices architecture to make a project more efficient in terms of scalability. DataContext must be provided from the project where this nuget package is included. It only includes Repository Add and Update Methods.

  • quartz2875/EFCore.CU.GenericRepository.Common

    Nuget Package with support for .NET 6 , GenericRepository Pattern and Dependency Injection. It is built for microservices that will only be responsible for Add and Update operations in a Distributed Microservices architecture to make a project more efficient in terms of scalability. DataContext must be provided from the project where this nuget package is included. It only includes Repository Add and Update Methods.

  • amolaher67/DOTNETCORWEBAPI

    Dot net Core Web API with Generic Repository Unit of Work, Automapper and Exception Logger
