This repository contains Generic Repository implementation for Entity Framework Core
Pinned issues
- 1
not maintaining it anymore?
#59 opened by dodu2014 - 1
- 4
- 3
There are lot's of duplicated code
#44 opened by Zhao-Michael - 1
Missing .Any()
#50 opened by jezdimirovic - 1
Mulitple Includes
#53 opened by akuam666 - 4
UpdateBy without entity available?
#48 opened by lk-code - 6
Problems with MySQL EF Core
#36 opened by lk-code - 2
Paginated conditions issue
#29 opened by davscro - 2
BUG: implementation ToPaginatedListAsync with PaginationSpecification only pick up the last condition in condition list
#45 opened by NotAsea - 3
Add predicate to ExecuteUpdateAsync
#42 opened by NotAsea - 1
- 1
Update to EF7
#28 opened by advapiIT - 5
Version 6.0 : Breaking Changes
#25 opened by TanvirArjel - 1
- 1
Support Dynamic Connection String
#27 opened by castell0riz0n - 5
Supporting UnitOfWork
#16 opened by mehdihadeli - 3
Usage with multiple DbContexts
#20 opened by HybridSolutions - 1
Returning types should be changed?
#19 opened by HybridSolutions - 4
- 1
- 1
- 1
net core 5.0 many to many out of the box
#15 opened by ProxBiz - 1
A way of doing insert or update in ef core.
#14 opened by coderdnewbie - 1
- 2
how to use multiple dbcontext?
#8 opened by byung-hyun-nah - 2
Composite key support
#12 opened by AntonPaskrobka - 0
Free raw SQL query support.
#10 opened by TanvirArjel - 2
Use of "Any" in specification
#9 opened by ChristPetitjean - 4
Q: How to use transctions
#6 opened by ChristPetitjean - 1
- 1
Client side evaluation
#4 opened by joshua1 - 1
Why should we use this library?
#5 opened by mogaozq - 3
You should continue with development
#1 opened by BenHayat - 1
Documentation unitofwork
#3 opened by ChristPetitjean