
There are 117 repositories under grocery-list topic.

  • kitchenowl


    KitchenOwl is a self-hosted grocery list and recipe manager. The backend is made with Flask and the frontend with Flutter. Easily add items to your shopping list before you go shopping. You can also create recipes and add items based on what you want to cook.

  • GroceryGenius


    A feature-rich shopping list Android app with offline-first mode and Material You design

  • plutonicdev/GroceryStore

    Grocery store template is created as a wonderful solution for any agricultural or organic food shop Android App UI template. It is a template for an Android developer that want to create grocery application with a clean design. The template is only lay outing without data flow and communication with the backend system. This UI Template can reduce your development time and will loved by developer that hate lay outing design! You can use this app as one big super market app to sale product of your store. This app make easy for user to buy product from store with easy steps and store can get easy order.

  • kitchenowl-backend


    Backend for the KitchenOwl app.

  • InnovaTechno/HomeMarket

    Market at Home is an app that shows the nearby Markets, their daily products, all the informations about them, and allow you to buy them and get a delivery.

  • nixrajput/grocery-list-maker-flutter

    A mobile app that allows you to create a grocery list and share it with others.

  • EforestHD/SwiftUI-Grocery-List-App

    Beautiful iOS App written in SwiftUI. Bag your items into your Jute Bag for the most convenient shopping experience.

  • benjaminogles/budget-meal-planner

    Offline desktop app for storing recipes, creating meal plans and generating grocery lists on a budget

  • kanugurajesh/Shop-Note

    Sleek interface to save your shopping wishlist.

  • ankithans/grocery-inventory

    When we go to the market we are often confused that if the item is needed or not. Sometimes we buy items that were already there in the home. To solve that particular problem we have created an application that queries in your home grocery invetory database and tell that if the item is their in the house or not and if available how much quantity is available. Then user can buy it accordingly.

  • Shubhamdutta2000/Grocery-List-App-with-React-Native

    Grocery List App made with React-Native

  • Deshan555/Flask_SQLite-WebApplication

    🌶️ In this tutorial I demostrate how to create a web application using Flask and SQLite. Flask is a web framework using Python for the backend, HTML and Jinja for templating, CSS for styling and JavaScript for client side interactions.

  • Kalpesh209/flutter_grocery_app_ui

    On Demand Grocery App In Flutter

  • pktcodes/html-css-mini-projects

    Mini Projects using HTML & CSS

  • yZipperer/item-api

    A grocery item API with built in search functionality. Including prices, names, descriptions, images, ids, brands, categories, ingredients, weights, and nutritional content.

  • Abdelaziz-Mahdi/grocery-list

    Grocery List Template is a React single-page Application, Built using CRA, It has pre-inserted grocery items and you can add more using the form at the top of the list you can also filter the list to display available or unavailable items only.

  • ashutosh1919/grocery-todo

    Grocery-TODO list full stack project implemented using ReactJS (Frontend), Flask (Backend) and PostgreSQL (ElephantSQL) database.)

  • HxnDev/Apriori-Algorithm-Frequent-Item-in-Grocery-Store

    This assignment will give you basic insight into using Apriori algorithm. Apriori is use for finding the frequent item set in transaction.

  • re-factored/grocery-grabber

    Grocery Grabber is a web application that gives users the ability to generate a shopping list by adding individual items or bulk ingredients from a user-defined recipe.

  • CtrlVaultDel/GroSharies

    An app built for families, roommates and friends to keep track of and share lists of groceries and other goods needed for the home!

  • emmaframpton/munch-ease

    Technica 2022 Hack: Developed a Grocery Shopping Recipe App

  • faustozamparelli/Aldone

    An interactive todo list completely run and managed by ai

  • open-liiist/open-liiist

    a smart grocery list app

  • paulgreg/grocery-list

    A simple webapp for grocery lists

  • pktcodes/javascript-basics-projects

    Basic Projects using JavaScript

  • Ttesori/react-grocery-app

    GroceryMapper is a web application which allows users to streamline their grocery shopping by putting their list in the order they shop. Users create a 'map' of their local stores, putting the sections of the store in the order that they shop, and then each time they make a list it is put in order so they don't forget anything!

  • lawolf8/ValueScout

    Want to minimize how much you spend at stores? Use ValueScout to read your grocery list to figure out what would be the cheapest ways to get all your items, based on distance and stores

  • nonscalable/OnlyGroceries

    A local-first and self-hostable grocery list app

  • pktcodes/grocery-bud-react-project-v2

    Grocery Bud using React

  • RealMau/grocery-tracking-app

    App para llevar un inventario de la comida de la casa y algunas funciones mas

  • rizlas/html-grocery-list

    Simple HTML webpage that creates cards from a CSV grocery list. GPT based.

  • sahilsoni20/Grocery-List

    A grocery list web app that allows users to create, manage, and organize their grocery shopping lists.

  • thisd92/listaCompras

    Página para criação de lista de compras utilizando Javascript

  • tristancorbellari/lightcart

    Flutter mobile app which lets you scan a selection of similar products via barcodes to figure out which is the best deal.
