An app built for families, roommates and friends to keep track of and share lists of groceries and other goods needed for the home!
From a terminal window, in any directory you'd like, run: git clone
GroSharies uses Firebase to handle authorization. Please follow the preceeding steps to set up a firebase project for the application
- Go to and click "Get started"
- Add a project (Can disable Google Analytics)
- Select the project if you were not redirected to it
- Click on Authentication -> Get Started -> Email/Password -> Enable the first button at the top and save
- Click on the cog at the top left of the screen -> project settings -> Write down/Copy the (Project ID + Web API key)
- Open up GroSharies' solution file
- Go to the appsettings.json file and replace "grosharies" after the FirebaseProjectId: (line 13) with your firebase project ID
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft": "Warning",
"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "server=localhost\\SQLExpress;database=GroSharies;integrated security=true;"
"FirebaseProjectId": "grosharies"
- Open up or go to GroSharies' client folder
- Create a file named ".env.local" (NOTE THE '.'s) at the same level as the src folder (not inside)
- Place your Web API Key inside as such:
Use the query in the "01_Db_Create.sql.sql" file to create a new database in your local SQL Server (Visual Studio Community)
While in the solution file for GroSharies make sure the database is selected
Once the database has been selected, run it by clicking on the green play button
- Open up a new terminal window
- cd into /GroSharies/GroSharies/client
- type and enter: npm start
- ReactJS
- Firebase authentication
- Reactstrap
- Bootstrap
- .NET 5
- ASP.NET Core
- Microsoft SQL Server