
There are 38 repositories under hemdan topic.

  • AbdallahHemdan/Orchestra

    Orchestra is a sheet music reader (optical music recognition (OMR) system) that converts sheet music to a machine-readable version.

  • AbdallahHemdan/Instanews

    📸 Instanews is a fully responsive social media app that is a mimic for Instagram built using Vuejs.

  • AbdallahHemdan/Oud

    🎵 The frontend of Oud, an online music streaming service that is a mimic of Spotify with all its functionalities built using ReactJS, React-Router, Bootstrap.

  • AbdallahHemdan/Sorting-Visualizer

    📊 Sorting.Visualizer is a web app for visualizing a bunch of different sorting algorithms Like Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort With the functionality of (Speed Control) and (Array Size Control)...

  • AbdallahHemdan/FIRED-OR-TIRED

    🔫 A 2 player assembly X86 shooting game that each player has a gun and can use his gun in horizontal line to shot the other player, every player has the ability to move right or left or even jump with the existence of Gravity..

  • AbdallahHemdan/Qurany

    🎧 Qurany is a simple music player built using Vue.js as a side-project to enhance my skill in Vue ...

  • AbdallahHemdan/Conventional-Buttons

    Chrome extension that adds a conventional comment button to Github file explorer comments, allowing you to quickly leave a structured semantic comment during your PR reviews!

  • AbdallahHemdan/Pathfinding-Visualizer

    🎯 VanillaJS pathfinding visualizer using bunch of different shortest-path algorithms (A*, DFS, BFS, ...etc.)

  • AbdallahHemdan/FirstToSolve

    🏆 FirstToSolve is a competitive programming website to manage competitive programming activities with a virtual judge..

  • AbdallahHemdan/TIL

    TIL (Today I Learned) is a collection of concise write-ups on small things I learn day to day..

  • AbdallahHemdan/Instahelp

    Instahelp is a Q&A portal website similar to Quora

  • AbdallahHemdan/Sqrt_OS

    Sqrt OS is a simulation of an OS scheduler and memory manager using different scheduling algorithms including Highest Priority First (non-preemptive), Shortest Remaining Time Next, and Round Robin.

  • AbdallahHemdan/fifteenPuzzleGame

    🎈 My implementation of the classic fifteen-puzzle-game which consists of 4x4 grid with 15 tiles numbered from 1 to 15. Tiles are moved to order the numbers...

  • AbdallahHemdan/Instafolio

    👋 Instafolio is a simple fully responsive portfolio website for Instabug coding challenge using ReactJS.

  • AdelRizq/Orchestra

    Orchestra is a sheet music reader (optical music recognition (OMR) system) that converts sheet music to a machine-readable version.

  • AbdallahHemdan/eLearn

    E-Learn is a learning management system like google classroom

  • AbdallahHemdan/Vue-Patterns

    📝 Slides and materials of my talk about vue patterns..

  • AbdallahHemdan/Souq.Cat

    🛒 Simple Cat store for selling cats to help me get rid of all street cats.. build using ReactJS, Redux, React-Router, React-Bootstrap..

  • AbdallahHemdan/AbdallahHemdan

    🎉 This repository is testing repo for Github profile readme new feature

  • AbdallahHemdan/Problem-Solving-For-FE-Engineers

    📝 Slides and materials of my talk about Problem-Solving for Frontend Engineers

  • AbdallahHemdan/do-it

    📑 do-me is a simple todo application with a fully functionality of TODO MVC built using vue.js to enhance my vue skill

  • AbdallahHemdan/2048

    🎮 HamDola-2048 is an Implementation of 2048 game (a single-player sliding block puzzle game with objective of combine the tiles to create a tile with the number 2048) by HamDola members ...

  • AbdallahHemdan/HackerRank-Solutons

    ✨ My solutions on HackerRank with c/c++ ..

  • AbdallahHemdan/MiniMax

    🥇 Unbeatable Tic Tac Toe game with a README contains very thing about MiniMax algorithms with explanation of it with c++ and js Implementation code

  • AbdallahHemdan/30-Day-leetCode-Challenge

    🏃‍♂️ My solutions of 30-Day Leetcoding Challenge with cpp with multiple soultions...

  • AbdallahHemdan/AbdallahHemdan.github

    🤵 My personal website as a way to showcase more about me, education, main projects, skills, volunteering experience and accomplishments....

  • AbdallahHemdan/learningVue

    All codes I write while learning Vue.JS, new commit = new Lesson.

  • AbdallahHemdan/Version-Control-with-Git

    💡 my solutions and notes for "Version Control With Git" that was created by By Atlassian University and delivered through Coursera platform..

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7207
  • AbdallahHemdan/Hangman-With-React

    💀 my Implementation of Hangman (guess the programming Language) to improve my react skills.

  • AbdallahHemdan/SketchPad

    🎨Sketchpad is a simple drawing app which allow drawing with different pen-widths, colors , using eraser to erase specific part or using clear to reset the board and take a screenshot for your drawings..

  • AbdallahHemdan/todo__react

    🗓 Simple TO-DO app using React.JS to improve my react skills.

  • AbdallahHemdan/ContactMe

    🔗 Simple Google Chrome extension for quick access for Abdallah Hemdan contacts (Website - Facebook - LinkedIn - GitHub - Mail - CodeForces)..

  • AbdallahHemdan/LearningAngularJS

    All codes I write while learning AngularJS, new commit = new Lesson.

  • AbdallahHemdan/Arithmetic-Coding

    🗃 Implementation of encoding and decoding of Arithmetic-Coding algorithm using python..

  • AbdallahHemdan/HuffmanCodingAlgorithmAssignment

    📁 Implementation of Huffman coding compression algorithm in c++ as an assignment for Multimedia course

  • AbdallahHemdan/LearningAngular

    All codes I write while learning Angular, new commit = new Lesson.
