
There are 33 repositories under heteroscedasticity topic.

  • blei-lab/treeffuser

    Treeffuser is an easy-to-use package for probabilistic prediction and probabilistic regression on tabular data with tree-based diffusion models.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook384144
  • sailyshah/LinearRegression-CarPricePrediction

    Car Price Prediction : Predictions made by using linear regression aaproach

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10101
  • vita-epfl/TIC-TAC

    [ICML 2024] Code repository for "TIC-TAC: A Framework for Improved Covariance Estimation in Deep Heteroscedastic Regression". We address the problem of sub-optimal covariance estimation in deep heteroscedastic regression by proposing a new model and metric.

  • vaitybharati/Assignment-05-Multiple-Linear-Regression-2

    Assignment-05-Multiple-Linear-Regression-2. Prepare a prediction model for profit of 50_startups data. Do transformations for getting better predictions of profit and make a table containing R^2 value for each prepared model. R&D Spend -- Research and devolop spend in the past few years Administration -- spend on administration in the past few years Marketing Spend -- spend on Marketing in the past few years State -- states from which data is collected Profit -- profit of each state in the past few years.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5109

    GWAS of trait variance (C++)

  • pvh95/ols_bootstrap

    OLS Bootstrap on Cross-Sectional Data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • vaitybharati/P27.-Supervised-ML---Multiple-Linear-Regression---Toyoto-Cars

    Supervised-ML---Multiple-Linear-Regression---Toyota-Cars. EDA, Correlation Analysis, Model Building, Model Testing, Model Validation Techniques, Collinearity Problem Check, Residual Analysis, Model Deletion Diagnostics (checking Outliers or Influencers) Two Techniques : 1. Cook's Distance & 2. Leverage value, Improving the Model, Model - Re-build, Re-check and Re-improve - 2, Model - Re-build, Re-check and Re-improve - 3, Final Model, Model Predictions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook310
  • youssef-laouina/Predicting-Apartments-Prices-in-Buenos-Aires

    Machine learning project predicting real estate prices in Buenos Aires, utilizing advanced techniques for outlier detection, heteroskedasticity handling, and model optimization

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3101
  • aaron1rcl/heteroscedastic_data

    Various models and techniques to show how to handle heteroscedastic data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • Akashash01/Akash_Linear-regression

    This is an linear approach machine learning model used to predict the values of variable(dependent) based on other variables(independent).

  • jcorrean/GAMLSS4PsycData

    This repo provides supplemental material for the article titled: "Assessing Potential Heteroscedasticity in Psychological Data: A GAMLSS approach"

  • mamomen1996/Python_CS_01

    Traditional Regression problem project in Python


    R package to perform regression-based Brown-Forsythe test

  • vaitybharati/P26.-Supervised-ML---Multiple-Linear-Regression---Cars-dataset

    Supervised-ML---Multiple-Linear-Regression---Cars-dataset. Model MPG of a car based on other variables. EDA, Correlation Analysis, Model Building, Model Testing, Model Validation Techniques, Collinearity Problem Check, Residual Analysis, Model Deletion Diagnostics (checking Outliers or Influencers) Two Techniques : 1. Cook's Distance & 2. Leverage value, Improving the Model, Model - Re-build, Re-check and Re-improve - 2, Model - Re-build, Re-check and Re-improve - 3, Final Model, Model Predictions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • WuCandice/Statistical-Analysis-on-US-Mortgage-Rates-Using-R

    This project is about to use linear regression to examine the relationship between various economic variables and the mortgage rate in the United States.

  • blasif/j.environ.2024

    Code for reproducing the results of the paper "A class of modular and flexible covariate-based covariance functions for nonstationary spatial modeling"

  • ChihLi/HetCalibrate

    This R package allows calibration parameter estimation for inexact computer models with heteroscedastic errors proposed by Sung, Barber, and Walker (2022) in SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification.

  • ChihLi/HetCalibrate-Reproducibility

    This instruction aims to reproduce the results in the paper “Calibration of inexact computer models with heteroscedastic errors” proposed by Sung, Barber, and Walker (2022).

  • ireneliu521/BOPS-Strategy-Analysis_Project_R

    Evaluate the Buy Online Pick-up in Store (BOPS) strategy with a real-world dataset

  • SmoothTrend


    SmoothTrend is a comprehensive time series analysis tool that utilizes Holt-Winters, Holt, and Simple Exponential Smoothing methods, as well as ARIMA/SARIMA modeling, to perform advanced trend analysis, stationarity testing, residual analysis, and forecasting.

  • olesyamba/ICvsML

    Usual linear regression or XGBoost? Combo! Or how I was investigating the impact of intellectual capital on NASDAQ-100 capitalization during 2 years.

  • PatilSukanya/Assignment-05.-Multiple-Linear-regression-Q2

    Used libraries and functions as follows:

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • RezaDastranj/GAMM-ASDRs

    Generalized Additive Forecasting Mortality

  • RezaDastranj/LME-ASDRs

    Age-Gender-Country-Specific Death Rates Modelling and Forecasting: A Linear Mixed-Effects Model

  • samuelzammit/EstCosmoPar-GPR-TPR

    Estimation of the Hubble constant using Gaussian process regression and viable alternatives

  • shwetapardhi/Assignment-05-Multiple-Linear-Regression-2

    Prepare a prediction model for profit of 50_startups data. Do transformations for getting better predictions of profit and make a table containing R^2 value for each prepared model. R&D Spend -- Research and devolop spend in the past few years Administration -- spend on administration in the past few years Marketing Spend -- spend on Marketing in t

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Teliteu/SPURRvsHALL

    tool to verify model test specifications and presence of heteroscedasticity in the forest inventory plot

  • uweremer/regression_diagnostics

    Skript zur Videoreihe Regressionsdiagnostik in R

  • venkatesh-eranti/Housing_case-study

    A real estate company that has a dataset containing the prices of properties in the Delhi region. It wishes to use the data to optimise the sale prices of the properties based on important factors such as area, bedrooms, parking, etc

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • fiddlesleet/Linear-Regression

    Recipes for common linear regression operations: model comparisons, heteroskedasticity, collinearity, goodness of fit

  • Ismail-therap/OLS-Regression-Analysis

    Ordinary least square (OLS) regression analysis carried out in this project. The selected dependent variables are some public health indicators like anxiety, diabetes. We tried to find the independent variables which are responsible for this health hazard.

  • tnathu-ai/time_series_analysis_in_R

    time series analysis in R use cases