
There are 31 repositories under image-classfication topic.

  • visual-layer/fastdup

    fastdup is a powerful free tool designed to rapidly extract valuable insights from your image & video datasets. Assisting you to increase your dataset images & labels quality and reduce your data operations costs at an unparalleled scale.

  • chail/gan-ensembling

    Invert and perturb GAN images for test-time ensembling

  • torchflare


    TorchFlare is a simple, beginner-friendly, and easy-to-use PyTorch Framework train your models effortlessly.

  • michelpf/fiap-ml-visao-computacional

    Repositório dos exemplos e desafios utilizados na disciplina de Visão Computacional do curso de MBA Machine Learning da FIAP

    Language:Jupyter Notebook481932
  • xternalz/AE-WTN

    Scaling Object Detection by Transferring Classification Weights

  • JackonYang/porn-hot-classification

    Tensorflow 版本的图片鉴黄。not suitable/safe for work (NSFW) images detection using Tensorflow

    Language:Jupyter Notebook13302
  • mansipatel2508/Image-Forgery-Detection-CNN-vs-Transfer-Learning-Comparison

    The binary classification problem focused on first IEEE Image forensics challenge-phase 1, to predict the given image is pristine or manipulated/edited/fake. Comparing CNN & Transfer Learning models for the problem and boosting the performance by feature extraction

    Language:Jupyter Notebook13223
  • huitangtang/On_the_Utility_of_Synthetic_Data

    Code release for "A New Benchmark: On the Utility of Synthetic Data with Blender for Bare Supervised Learning and Downstream Domain Adaptation", accepted by CVPR2023.

  • shawon100/image-recognition-resnet50-flask

    Web Based Image Recognition System in Python Flask

  • horrible-dong/QTClassification

    A lightweight and extensible toolbox for image classification

  • OElesin/autogluon-image-classification

    Deploy AutoML models for image classification on AWS Sagemaker with AutoGluon

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8211
  • lapix-ufsc/dl-tutorials

    This repository contains demonstrations done with deep learning computer vision models.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6291
  • bianconif/CenOTAPH

    CenOTAPH: COlour and Texture Analysis toolbox for PytHon

  • jondeaton/HumanProteinAtlas

    Protein localization in cell microscopy images Kaggle competition

  • shishishu/mnist-classification-tutorial

    Implementations of various classifiers on MNIST dataset. Both traditional machine learning and deep learning methods are included.

  • Sketch_GAN


    [CVPR 2019] SketchGAN: Joint Sketch Completion and Recognition with Generative Adversarial Network

  • debdattasarkar/Image-Classification-with-CNN-in-TensorFlow

    Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow: Fashion Item Classifier

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • jabhinav/Talk-IGDTUW

    Deep Learning for Image Classification

  • GauravG-20/Flower-Image-Classifier

    Project code for Udacity's AI Programming with Python Nanodegree program. In this project, code was developed for an image classifier built with PyTorch, then converted into command line applications:, image classifier recognizes different species of flowers.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • hardy30894/federated-multicloud-k8

    Federated multicloud kubernetes cluster deployment using Infrastructure as Code for Image Classification

  • mahadmughal/Land-classification

    It is an image classification problem involving the usage of various custom and pretrained keras models on land classification dataset containing 21 classes.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • NeelBhowmik/imfication

    Image classification using deep learning models with activation map visualisation and TensorRT support

  • nestiank/boostcamp-image-classification

    boostcamp AI Tech: 이미지 분류 대회

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • sadipgiri/image_classfication

    Development and implementation of various image classifiers using deep learning.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • ychen921/Alohomora

    Hand-on experience in image classification by deep nerual network

  • crypto-code/Image-Classifier

    Retrain a pre-trained Neural Network to recognize Images

  • nikenaml/image-classification-using-deep-learning-pretrained-model

    In this case study, I combine several subcategories of data not based on item color but based on item type. These types will be classified into types of clothing and shoes. The result of merging these subcategories is that there are several main categories which are divided into 5 categories, namely Dress, Pants, Shirt, Shoes, Shorts. I'm trying to learn and build a deep learning approach with CNN Architecture using the pre-trained model "InceptionResNetV2" variant and the RMSprob optimizer to fit the data and then used to predict the image data. And in the last part, the model will be saved in TF-LITE format for development purposes (such as mobile applications).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • niladrridas/image-classification

    Accurate image classification powered by InceptionV3 deep learning model. Quickly classify diverse images with high precision using TensorFlow.

  • pkliui/machine-learning

    Some of my Machine Learning projects

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • Rohitv97/Diagnosing-TB

    Using Neural Networks on Chest Xrays to find abnormal and normal xrays to diagnose for Pulmonary Tuberculosis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • thedatanerdz/MLP-90

    Deep learning basics

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10