fastdup is a powerful, free tool designed to rapidly generate valuable insights from image and video datasets. It helps enhance the quality of both images and labels, while significantly reducing data operation costs, all with unmatched scalability.
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[Feature Request]: Compatibility with COCO json files including multiple bounding boxes and segmentations
#354 opened by MatthiasDR96 - 3
[Bug]: Error when installing specified fastdup
#353 opened by zczczc11122 - 2
[Bug]: Higher versions of fastdup cannot handle situations within 10 images.
#355 opened by zczczc11122 - 1
[Bug]: Error installing fastdup via pip
#352 opened by zz4fap - 3
[Bug]: [FATAL] This fastdup version is deprecated, please reinstall from pypi using `pip install fastdup`
#351 opened by prashant-dn - 4
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[Bug]: Error in atrain_crops csv build
#348 opened by TamirBar-Tov - 7
issue:Exceeding 1 million images error
#347 opened by SpiderJack0516 - 3
[Feature Request]: Type Checking & Error Reporting
#344 opened by yzb2 - 1
[Bug]: Corrupted `Could not launch the Visual Layer application on your machine because the files generated by seems to be corrupted.`
#343 opened by KevinColemanInc - 3
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Проблема с установкой на windows10
#339 opened by BorodinAG - 4
[Bug]: Failed to execute
#340 opened by lycika-5mzw - 4
[Bug]: Fastdup will create a copy of all images in the 'cdn' folder inside work_dir.
#334 opened by shantanusingh16 - 1
[Bug]: collision between two fastdup version 1.85 and 2.2 installed on the same python on mac os 10.4 intel
#338 opened by dbickson - 1
[Bug]: opencv stale dep on mac os intel
#337 opened by dbickson - 2
[Bug]: RuntimeError: fastdup detected your are running an old version 1.60 (10 versions or more vs. the latest) please upgrade fastdup)
#321 opened by ashrielbrian - 0
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[Feature Request]: Support for YOLO
#332 opened by mhornsby - 2
[Bug]: Colab quickstart.ipynb errors
#331 opened by mhornsby - 1
[Feature Request]: Unpin dependencies
#329 opened by mfairread - 1
[Feature Request]: Reidentification mode
#328 opened by Researcher-DL - 0
[Bug]: When running fastdup as two steps (and there are bad images) connected component ids do not match atrain_features.dat.csv
#324 opened by Tompil3r - 1
[Bug]: Can't pip install
#325 opened by abehzadnia - 3
[Bug]: Run is crashing when specifying embeddings
#326 opened by Yann-CV - 1
[Bug]: UnicodeDecodeError when running
#327 opened by ft243 - 1
[Bug]: bad images warning is gibberish
#323 opened by Tompil3r - 1
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[Bug]:AssertionError: For removing wrong labels created by the create_similarity_gallery() need to run stats_file=df where df is the output of create_similarity_gallery()
#319 opened by atmadeep - 3
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[Bug]: Fix thumbnail resize to look better
#318 opened by dbickson - 1
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[Feature Request]: mean_distance in image cluster relative to centroïd + distance between different clusters (using centroïds)
#316 opened by jeanmarie-dormoy - 1
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[Feature Request]: add jfif support for windows OS
#312 opened by dbickson - 1
[Feature Request]: add mkv video support for fastdup
#313 opened by dbickson - 1
[Feature Request]: fastdup video extraction to provide timing info for each extracted frame
#314 opened by dbickson - 3
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[Bug]: Failed when used docker cpuset
#300 opened by wangxiong172086864 - 1
[Bug]: 2023-12-01 16:25:39 [ERROR] Failed to save image to root/snapshots/2023-11-12_18:58:50/object_clean_work_dir/crops/temp_1701447939270127.jpg via imwrite
#304 opened by dbickson - 1
[Bug]: fastdup fails to create above 10M object crops on ubuntu 20 (due to file system exhaustion)
#307 opened by dbickson - 6
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Stuck on running "FastDup Software, (C) copyright 2022 Dr. Amir Alush and Dr. Danny Bickson" [Bug]:
#305 opened by dominicco - 0