
There are 4 repositories under incremental-potential-contact topic.

  • phys-sim-book/solid-sim-tutorial

    A curated collection of Python examples for optimization-based solid simulation, emphasizing algorithmic convergence, penetration-free, and inversion-free conditions, designed for readability and understanding.

  • phys-sim-book/mdbook-src

    The mdbook source of a free online book on the theory and algorithms of physics-based simulations. You are welcome to make contributions by submitting pull requests or directly contacting the authors.

  • phys-sim-book/

    A free online book on the theory and algorithms of physics-based simulations. To make a contribution, please submit pull requests on the mdbook-src repository (not this one), or directly contact the authors.

  • phys-sim-book/solid-sim-tutorial-gpu

    A curated set of C++ examples for optimization-based elastodynamic contact simulation using CUDA, emphasizing algorithmic convergence, penetration-free, and inversion-free conditions. Designed for readability and understanding, this tutorial helps beginners learn how to write simple GPU code for efficient solid simulations.
