
There are 9 repositories under input-handling topic.

  • axyiee/ezinput

    Easier joystick, mouse and keyboard input handling in Bevy

  • Colack/NeoRaquet

    Neo-Raquet Game Engine

  • Sarah-Hesham-2022/BioPython-Getopt-Biological-Command-Line-Interpreter

    Bio Python Project using getopt library in python and engaging with the command line prompt.

  • chandan0069/turtle-race

    A Python program that simulates a thrilling turtle race using the Turtle module. Users can place bets on their favorite turtle, and then watch as colorful turtles dart across the screen in a random race to the finish line. Who will emerge victorious? Run the script to find out!

  • PoojaP-atil/Chatbot_application

    This Python script implements a simple console-based attendance and query system. Users can interactively address attendance-related issues, payment queries, and request attendance records. The code utilizes datetime, input handling, and basic data structures to provide responses based on user input.

  • anastasija0/Koder-Dekoder

    This C++ program implements a custom encoding and decoding system for numerical sequences.

  • caydnbaldwin/Youth-Sports-Registration-System

    A python program designed to register players for youth baseball teams in a local league. Players are automatically assigned to a team based on their age.

  • FilipRokita/LPMPUSH

    This program enables the user to hold down the left mouse button by pressing a specific key and release it by pressing another key. The user can set the desired keys for enabling and disabling the left mouse button hold-down feature.

  • KARNB24/ToonTanks

    Welcome to Toon Tanks! This is a game created in Unreal Engine 5.3.2 where you control a tank turret and your objective is to destroy all enemy tank turrets. Be cautious, if your tank gets destroyed, you lose the game.
