
A python program designed to register players for youth baseball teams in a local league. Players are automatically assigned to a team based on their age.

Primary LanguagePython

Youth Sports Registration System

A python program designed to register players for youth baseball teams in a local league. Players are automatically assigned to a team based on their age.


Users input the name and age of each player. Once all players have been registered, it generates a report for each team, providing key details such as the total number of players on each team, the average age of players, and the youngest and oldest players. The report also includes a bulleted list of all team members along with their ages.


This program offers a simple and efficient way to register and organize players into teams, and provides a clear overview of the composition of each team.

Download and Run

  1. Download and extract the root directory
  2. Build and run Dockerfile
  3. Configure the tests in the test_files subdirectory
  4. Run test_youth_baseball.py
  5. Run youth_baseball.py