
There are 24 repositories under inverse-probability-weights topic.

  • zEpid


    Epidemiology analysis package

  • ngreifer/WeightIt

    WeightIt: an R package for propensity score weighting

  • ajnafa/Latent-Bayesian-MSM

    Taking Uncertainty Seriously: Bayesian Marginal Structural Models for Causal Inference in Political Science

  • nhejazi/haldensify

    :package: R/haldensify: Highly Adaptive Lasso Conditional Density Estimation

  • andrewheiss/closing-backdoors-dags

    Use regression, inverse probability weighting, and matching to close confounding backdoors and find causation in observational data

  • nhejazi/medoutcon

    :package: R/medoutcon: Efficient Causal Mediation Analysis with Natural and Interventional Direct/Indirect Effects

  • nhejazi/medshift

    :package: :game_die: R/medshift: Causal Mediation Analysis for Stochastic Interventions

  • ehsanx/TMLEworkshop

    Targeted maximum likelihood estimation (TMLE) enables the integration of machine learning approaches in comparative effectiveness studies. It is a doubly robust method, making use of both the outcome model and propensity score model to generate an unbiased estimate as long as at least one of the models is correctly specified.

  • ngreifer/optweight

    R package for estimating balancing weights using optimization

  • kkranker/psweight

    IPW- and CBPS-type propensity score reweighting, with various extensions (Stata package)

  • istallworthy/devMSMs

    Tools for using marginal structural models (MSMs) to answer causal questions in developmental science.

  • awamaeva/R-package-trajmsm

    The R package trajmsm is based on the paper Marginal Structural Models with Latent Class Growth Analysis of Treatment Trajectories:

  • mspreafico/TTEcausalRDI

    Code for assessing the causal effects of chemotherapy Received Dose Intensity (RDI) on survival outcomes in osteosarcoma patients using a Target Trial Emulation approach.

  • nhejazi/talk_txshift

    :speech_balloon: Talk on causal inference and variable importance with stochastic interventions under two-phase sampling

  • QuantLet/Outcome-adaptive-Random-Forest

    Non-parametric variable selection and inference via the outcome-adaptive Random Forest (OARF). Uses the IPTW estimator to estimate the ATE while the propensity score is estimated via OARF. This leads to smaller variance and bias. Only variables that are confounders or predictive of the outcome are selected for the propensity score.

  • srhoffma/non_binary_exposure_IPW

    Inverse probability weighting for non-binary exposures. Simple example in Excel and SAS.

    Language:Rich Text Format1000
  • Barleiris/Simple-Questionnaire-Analysis

    A questionnaire containing 40+ questions is given to hundreds of people. People are interviewed about their feelings and hobbies with a goal to find the causal relationship between depression and cognitive impairment, where some questions are related to depression, some to cognitive impairment, and others are confounding. In psychological surveys data are often ordinal, containing missing values, This repository provides a few approaches of analyzing the correlation among multiple frames of survey data using R, including redundancy analysis, Inverse Propensity Score Weighting, and Conditioning Copula, which is a method I invented.

  • Brian-Lookabaugh/UN-PKOs-Project

    Repository for "The Economic Consequences of UN Peacekeeping Operations: Causal Analysis for Conflict Management and Peace Research"

  • herdiantrisufriyana/gmethods

    An implementation of g-methods

  • mspreafico/PosViolMSM

    Positivity violations in marginal structural survival models with time-dependent confounding: a simulation study on IPTW-estimator performance.

  • ShuxinD/causal_birthweight

  • ShuxinD/pm-no2-o3-hospitalization-death-ADRD-coxph

    air pollution and mortality/readmission in ADRD population with Medicare data

  • sunidhit/MLProject

    Optimization of KNN and Linear regression algorithms

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • nhejazi/talk_sensitivity_ipw

    :speech_balloon: Talk on "Sensitivity Analysis for Inverse Probability Weighting Estimators via the Percentile Bootstrap" (Q. Zhao et al., 2017), for S. Pimentel's "Observational Study Design and Causal Inference" seminar at Berkeley, Spring 2018
