
There are 3 repositories under issue-automation topic.

  • reviewpad/reviewpad

    Next generation pull requests and issues 🦄

  • leonsteinhaeuser/project-beta-automations

    This automation provides the ability to automate issues and pull requests related to Github Projects (ProjectV2 / Beta). If the issue or pull request is not attached to a project, it is automatically added to the project and its desired column. In addition to status automation, this automation also supports custom field management.

  • marinellirubens/jira-automation-master

    Service to automate jira simple issues, the idea is to implement a service that will read classes from the adapter folder and can be customized for the types of tickets that you have. You can connect on Jira and use any tool for automation that you want, so the purpose of this repository is to provide a base program for the automation of repetitive tasks.
