
Service to automate jira simple issues, the idea is to implement a service that will read classes from the adapter folder and can be customized for the types of tickets that you have. You can connect on Jira and use any tool for automation that you want, so the purpose of this repository is to provide a base program for the automation of repetitive tasks.

Primary LanguagePython

Jira Automation master

Service to automate jira simple issues, the idea is to implement a service that will read classes from the adapter folder and can be customized for the types of tickets that you have.

You can connect on Jira and use any tool for automation that you want, so the purpose of this repository is to provide a base program for the automation of repetitive tasks.



As listed on the file requirements.txt the following libraries are needed:


You can install it using the following command:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


The configuration is located on the folder config and the configuration is exemplifiyed by the files config.ini.example and config_handlers.json.example.


The file config.ini is the main configuration file for the service, for the options related to the configuration of database connection, Jira connection and some options related to the execution of the service as demonstrated below, so before the start the file config.ini must exists.

user = rubens.ferreira
password = admin
server = http://jira.local
jql_master = createdDate >= startOfMonth() and project = TESTE and key = "TESTE-2866" and assignee in (EMPTY) order by updated DESC

user = system
password = oracle
host = localhost
port = 1521
sid = orcl

process_queue_size = 10
sleep_time = 1
mail_list_lookup_code = JIRA_AUTOMATION_MASTER


The file config_handlers.json is the configuration file for the import of the handler classes.

As demontrated below, the file must contain the keys plugins and handlers, on key plugins the value should be a list with the imports that are contained on the folder handlers, the key handlers is the connection between the summary pattern of the ticket and the Handler class.

    "plugins": [
        "TESTE: Registrar usuario": "UserCreationHandler",
        "TESTE: Atualização de Xpto": "UpdateXptoHandler"


The service can be executed using the following command:

$ python main.py