
There are 102 repositories under javamail-api topic.

  • nedimf/maildroid

    Maildroid is a small robust android library for sending emails using SMTP server

  • git-akshat/mini-project

    An android eCommerce application for students through which they can buy and sell used goods .

  • RawSanj/java-mail-clients

    Send Java Email from GMail, Outlook, Yahoo and Zoho. Demo App to test jHipster tip for Email

  • LinSir12138/JavaBigwork

    基于 Java Swing + 人脸识别 实现的学校考试系统

  • thegenuinegourav/Android-Email-App-using-Javamail-Api

    An Android App to send mail without gamil/email interaction!

  • FabioAugustoRodrigues/JavaFX-MySQL

    Simple crud using JavaFX and JPA with Hibernate

  • GauravSingh9356/GN_Tours_Services

    A real-world project coded in Java using Java-Swing GUI, MySQL database, JavaMail-API, Stripe-API.

  • mozaw39/mailing-service

    This service helps sending a personalized message to a group of emails stored in a airtable database.

  • AbolfaZlRezaEe/ATH-Sample

    This is a Sample Authentication and Authorization for Android With MVVM, JavaMail API, and more...

  • Ahmad-AbuGhazal/E-Commerce-System

    Developed web application (backend, frontend) in distributed environment, allowing vendors to register in the system and sell products, integrated with company’s registration System(CRS), payment gateway and payment system that provide Visa/Master cards registration, authorization, payments.

  • bennamrouche/xrocketemail

    XRocket Email

  • sambhav2612/Android-EmailClient

    Simple Email Client Application in Android made using Javamail API

  • nisiddharth/Library-Manager

    Material Design Library Management System using JavaFX

  • notKamui/Kourrier

    A Kotlin/JVM wrapper around the JavaMail API

  • AMAN20174151/Salespot

    An android eCommerce application for students through which they can buy and sell used goods .

  • anik123/Send-Email-from-App-Silently

    This app will take email address of sender from their device and will send email to the receiver silently.

  • DhanjeetKumarThakur/JavaMailAPI

    This project is created to learn and demonstrate the Java Mail API fearures. This project shows how someone can add email feature in the backend. We have code examples of how to send email through java code and also how to read emails through java code.

  • H3AR7B3A7/AutomatedPitchMailer

    Generates a customized pitch to a company and automates mailing this pitch over a Gmail-account to given receivers. God knows this could save me tons of time, but I better not use it if I want to actually get a job. XD

  • JadhavC07/spring-boot-forgot-password-api

    A Spring Boot application for user authentication, featuring user registration, login, and forgot password functionality with OTP verification via email. Ideal for developers seeking a ready-made solution or reference for implementing similar features. Uses Spring Data JPA and JavaMailSender.

  • quanthaidev/Portfolio-Website

    This is a personal portfolio website developed using Java, JavaMail API, JSP, Servlet, JDBC, MySQL, Bootstrap, and JSTL. The website showcases my knowledge and work experience and includes interactive features such as a contact form and email notifications for form submissions.

  • Reda-BELHAJ/AndroidStudioProject

    Managing missions mobile app

  • swati-gwc/Java-programs

    Collection of basic and advanced java programs

  • 1tsak/android-javamail-api-example

    This repo shows an example android application that fetches emails from gmail using javamail api.

  • Bharath-S-J/Total-Bank-Manager

    Total Bank Manager is a banking management system built using Java (Swing) and MySQL, designed to streamline customer onboarding, account management, and transaction processing. It offers multi-level access control for customers, employees, and bank managers (Super Admins), ensuring secure, efficient, and automated banking operations.

  • gustavoreche/AprendendoCleanArchitecture

    Este repositório é destinado para aplicar os conceitos da Clean Architecture, criado por Robert C. Martin, ou mais conhecido como Uncle Bob

  • huseink/car-crud-demo

    Java Web App using - JSF & BootsFaces & JavaMail API

  • Parth-Goyal11/Java_Email_Bot

    An automated JAVA Email Bot I made that uses the Java Mail api to send mail through gmail servers, and the APACHE Poi api to parse spreadsheet data to make user input easier. The program takes a spreadsheet of given emails and names and sends an email to all of them. It runs through an SMPT port.

  • rishijatania/LetItWag

    The app has a report stray animal form, wherein the user can mention the last spotted location of the pet. It is then upon the NGO administration to start a work flow to pickup the pet and later provide medical treatment for the pet. We also have feature to request for supplies for pets registered

  • rishikeshc369/ScheduledEmailService

    JAVA Project To Automate the Email functionality for a Employee's Birthday in a Scheduled time

  • sabo99/TodoList-CI4-Restful

    Aplikasi TodoList Android menggunakkan Code Igniter4 berbasis Restful-API. Aplikasi TodoList ini menggunakan Sistem Autentication 2nd (JavaMail API) dan Upload Gambar dengan Framework CodeIgniter 4. Proses BackEnd dari Restful-API menggunakan Code Igniter4 dapat dilihat pada link berikut :

  • sadigkarimli/techstore-demo-app

    The demo Spring MVC web application. Implemented: 2019

  • shivamverma26/File_Encryption

    Java File Hider with MySQL Integration: A project demonstrating email authentication, user login, and data encryption for file security in Java.

  • squasar/SmsCatcher

    >=Android KITKAT

  • wkabatc/wap-project

    This project is a forum-like platform which functionalities relate to the popular website The application is based on an SQL database.

  • zking63/digitalanalytics

    Digital analytics website to view, search, and analyze email fundraising data.
