
Send Java Email from GMail, Outlook, Yahoo and Zoho. Demo App to test jHipster tip for Email

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This demo is created to test the Java Mail Clients, to configure MailService is jHipster application as suggested in jHipster Tip - Configuring Email with - Gmail



Note (for Gmail)

You must allow your Gmail account to access less secure apps.

Login to Gmail and visit Here to Turn On Access for less secure apps.

More Info here


$ git clone https://github.com/RawSanj/java-mail-clients.git

Updated Version (added support for Attachments):

  1. Update ConfigConsts.java file with to and from Email address and password.
  2. Select the SMTP Server (GMAIL, YAHOO, OUTLOOK or ZOHO) and update the File path where the attachments are located.
  3. Run the SendEmailWithAttachments class as Java Application.

Older Version:

  1. Change the sendToAddress, sendFromAddress and password in the respective E-Mail client app and run as Java Application.


Refer below links for API and SMTP settings:


The following tools are used to create this project :

  • Eclipse
  • Google Chrome
  • Git


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2017. Sanjay Rawat