
There are 10 repositories under jive topic.

  • banq/jivejdon

    Jivejdon is a Domain Driven Design appication with CQRS/ES/Clean/Hexagonal architecture

  • jantman/jiveapi

    ABANDONED - Simple and limited Python client for Jive collaboration software ReST API v3, along with utilities for massaging HTML to display better on Jive.

  • cedar-ave/Jive-tiles

    This Jive-n/Jive-x tile provides a search field that displays a list of existing ideas matching a keyword, including the status (Open for Voting, etc.), votes and voting, author, and date submitted

  • JunaidAShaikh/Object_Oriented_Design-Bus_Transport_System

    This is an Object Oriented Design project to develop a system depicting the management of a Transportation Services System. The entire environment is interdependent on each other and involves real time updates to add to the complexity. The main actors involved are a Central Control System, Drivers and Commuters. We intend to develop a transport system that aims at smooth functioning with zero inconvenience to commuters.

  • macgregor/alexandria

    Integrate markdown docs with antiquated html document hosting platforms using standard Java build tools.

  • NKI-CCB/Percolate

    Implementation of Percolate, an exponential family JIVE statistical model for multi-view integration

  • cedar-ave/jive-data-extract

    Scripts to extract usage analytics and content objects from Jive

  • cedar-ave/jive-slack-integration

    Sends notifications of activity in Jive to a Slack channel

  • cedar-ave/jive-verint-migration

    Extract binaries from Jive and upload them to Telligent

  • eddiewebb/jive-confluence-migrator

    Uses Python and threading fun to migrate Jive discussions to Wiki as article and comments
