
Extract binaries from Jive and upload them to Telligent

Primary LanguageShell


Extract binaries from Jive and upload them to Telligent.

The following steps rely on Jive Search Service filters.

Step 1: Get Jive placeID.


Change startIndex to 100, then 200, etc., if it is not returned the first time.

Step 2: Get Jive contentIDs. Note that in the Jive API there is an id and a contentID. contentID is required, not id.

Add the placeID in the place filter:


Step 3: Extract each version of Jive files. Populate and run extract-from-jive.sh.

Step 4: Append the version number to the filename so files don't overwrite one another when moved to the main directory. Run append-version-filename.sh.

Step 5 (optional) If extracting .zip files, it can be helpful to understand when a file was zipped to indentify whether two stored versions are identical. Run zip-dates.sh.

Step 6: Move files to a main directory. Run move-files.sh.

Step 7: Create a JSON file of all filenames, titles, and tags. For example:

		"filename": "abc_2016_04_04.zip",
		"title": "ABC Installer (4 April 2016)",
		"tags": "tag1,tag2,tag3"
		"filename": "def_2017_05_10.zip",
		"title": "DEF Installer (5 October 2017)",
		"tags": "tag1,tag4,tag5"

Step 8: Upload to Telligent. Run upload-telligent.sh.

Step 9: Create table of contents in Telligent of the uploaded files. Run create-toc.sh.