
There are 7 repositories under jose-maria-rico-leal topic.

  • MScDataAnalyticsFirstSemesterAssignmentOne


    Summary of Assignment One from the first semester of the MSc in Data Analytics program. This repository contains the CA1 assignment guidelines from the college and my submission. To see all original commits and progress, please visit the original repository using the link below.

  • MScDataAnalyticsSecondSemesterAssignmentOne


    Summary of Assignment One from the Second semester of the MSc in Data Analytics program. This repository contains the CA1 assignment guidelines from the college and my submission. To see all original commits and progress, please visit the original repository using the link below.

  • MySQLPortfolio


    Updating my portfolio with MySQL examples. This project uses MySQL Workbench to analyze the Classic Models database, a fictional company selling miniature vehicles globally from 2003 to 2005. Some scenarios include counting rows, identifying top customers, ranking sales reps and offices, sales, stock, and tracking orders and revenue.

  • RPortfolio


    Classic Models In R project showcases data analysis using R. It covers establishing a MySQL connection, using R Studio for various analyses including bar charts, pie charts, diverging bar charts, histograms, ordered bar charts, treemaps, and world maps. The scenarios demonstrate R's graphical capabilities with Classic Models dataset.



    Welcome to my portfolio website. This site showcases my skills, experience, education, and projects as a Data Analyst.

  • PowerBIPortfolio


    Creating Power BI dashboards for "Classic Models" to track KPIs using data from MySQL. Scenarios include inventory breakdowns, finance and sales insights, and regional performance analysis. Visualizations feature funnels, column charts, pie charts, and maps. Power BI Desktop is used for its diverse visuals.

  • PythonPortfolio


    Using Python in Jupyter Notebook to recreate queries for imaginary stakeholders. Demonstrates connecting to MySQL, exporting tables to Excel, merging data, cleaning datasets, and counting orders. Visualizations include bar plots, revenue plots, pie charts, scatter charts, and map manipulation with geopandas. Dataset from MySQL.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10