
There are 7 repositories under kml-format topic.

  • SAHorowitz/MSFS2020-PilotPathRecorder

    Record your flight path with key flight information archived during the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 flights. Then export that data to a KML file to use with Google Earth for 3 dimensional flight analysis

  • Esri/kml-for-geoevent

    ArcGIS GeoEvent Server sample KML connector for sending GeoEvents in the KML format.

  • WSP_DGKG_2021


    Short tutorial or learning resource on how to get geodata in and out of Wikidata.The text was written and presented in thze realm of a workshop of the WG Digital Art History in 2021

  • BPascal-91/eAirspacesFormats

    Electreonic Airspaces Formats / Formalismes électroniques pour la description des espaces-aériens

  • asutar/CreateKmlFromLatLonData

    .NET Framework 4.6 console application that generates KML files from comma-separated latitude and longitude data. The application will utilize the SharpKML library and AspMapNET.dll.

  • kk289/GeoSpatial

    GeoSpatial Data Handling