
There are 6 repositories under least-cost-paths topic.

  • fzipp/astar

    Package astar implements the A* search algorithm for finding least-cost paths.

  • edwardlavender/flapper

    R Package: Routines for the analysis of passive acoustic telemetry data (Lavender et al., 2023).

  • gdomrib/landscape_connectivity

    QGIS plugin for the Processing Toolbox to model landscape mobility with least-cost path networks and circuit theory models from Circuitscape

  • a-urbanite/Arabia-traderoutes-LCP

    A geospatial analysis used in my Masterthesis. Its a Least Cost Path analysis written in R that tries to identify the most likely routes camel caravans took to cross ancient Arabia

  • Lorenzovagliano/MiddleEarth-Best-Routes

    Shortest/Least Cost Path analysis utilizing road infrastructure and elevation data in a Middle Earth inspired geographical database

  • munterfi/modeling-dialect-regions

    Generating continuous spatial surfaces for the manifestations of various linguistic phenomena in the Swiss-German language.
