
There are 13 repositories under lego-mindstorms-robot topic.

  • robmosca/robotinventor-vscode

    A Microsoft Visual Studio Code extension to program LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor in MicroPython

  • ckumpe/robot-inventor-tools

    Tools to experiment with the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor hub

  • BrickBot/

    A collection of software, firmware, tools, and utilities for the LEGO® MindStorms RCX

  • BrickBot/leJOS-RCX

    A tiny Java Virtual Machine for the Lego MindStorms RCX, containing a VM for Java bytecodes and additional software to load and run Java programs.

  • BrickBot/VisualNQC

    Perhaps the best iconic language tool to replace Lego’s RIS, it generates NQC code & facilitates handling the NQC compilation + deployment processes, too. (Project was formerly known as fUNSoftWare.)

  • smcolash/mindbridge

    Mindstorms internet-control bridge and web user interface

  • BrickBot/Archive

    An archive of software releases pertaining to the LEGO® MindStorms RCX. This is typically kept in read-only (archive) mode to guard against accidental changes, modifications, deletions, etc.

  • tobias-wilfert/mindstorms-compiler

    A compiler for Lego Mindstorms Robot Inventor Scratch-like language to Python.

  • BrickBot/etURP

    A program to create NQC (Not Quite C) files for LEGO Mindstorms robots, using a powerful language and interface to access the full potential of the Lego MindStorms RCX.

    Language:Visual Basic 6.01201
  • BrickBot/.github

    Repository for the GitHub public organizational profile

  • BrickBot/Ada-MindStorms

    An Ada to NQC translator for the Lego MindStorms RCX

  • BrickBot/PocketProgrammer

    Program the RCX on the RCX using its own screen and buttons.

  • BrickBot/QtNQC

    No project description provided; appears to be a UI for NQC.
