
There are 147 repositories under library-automation topic.

  • caltechlibrary/handprint

    Apply different text recognition services to images of handwritten documents.

  • AI4LAM/awesome-ai4lam

    A list of awesome AI in libraries, archives, and museum collections from around the world 🕶️

  • kenil0811/Library-management-system

    a simple website for library management system

  • rizwansoaib/Android-Library-Management

    Android Library Management Project

  • DonnyCraft1/PIDArduino

    A simple PID library for Arduino

  • SajeebChakraborty/Seminar_Library_Management_System_Laravel

    Students can see Book list, Shelf List, his/her collection and submission by User login Panel. Students also get a automatic notification when his/her book collection date is expired. Admin can order and receive book for students. After order and receive book, Students get a automatic email. Admins also show and edit the book list and shelf list.

  • ALAS


    This is a full fledged advanced automated library software built in Java Netbeans to reduce manual efforts of the librarian, students to ensure smooth functioning of library by involving RFIDs.

  • psyclone20/Library

    A library management system implemented in PHP

  • MrJeremyHobbs/LazyLists

    LazyLists allows a user to scan the barcode of an item in hand and add that item to a physical items set in Alma.

  • bediniupi/Alma-print-slip

    Alma-Print Slip browser extensions

  • library


    A multi language role based school library management system with Algolia full text search, RESTful API, image cropping & compressing, GitHub login, CSV import, newsletter, reCAPTCHA, and so on!

  • rootstrap/swift-lib-builder

    Builder for Cocoapod, Carthage and Swift Package manager libraries in Swift.

  • BetulTugce/LibraryAutomation

    The Automation System has been developed in Visual Studio 2019 using the C # programming language.

  • BUACShell


    Unofficial terminal application for the University of Alicante library written in C++

  • bediniupi/AlmaSet2Analytics

    A script to use Alma set or csv file as basis for analysis

  • MrJeremyHobbs/Book-Be-Gone

    A Program for Withdrawing Books in Alma

  • MrJeremyHobbs/ELUNA-2019-Dev-Days-Alma-Course

    This is where you can find all the code you need for the ELUNA 2019 Developers Day+ Alma Workshop.

  • z-shell/zi-src

    ✨ Source support

  • MrJeremyHobbs/RoboReturns

    RoboReturns is for returning items in bulk in Alma (NEW: Can also record in-house checkins in bulk)

  • rreka/Automating-collections-assessment

    This repository includes Python programs designed to automate the process of assessing library electronic journal collections.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8202
  • bic-org-uk/bic-lcf

    BIC Library Communication Framework

  • JayHartzell/alma_citation_inventory_analytics_join

    A quick demonstration and SQL for creating a left outer join between the course reserves and physical items subject areas in Ex Libris Alma Analytics

  • MrJeremyHobbs/OAI-PMH-DC-TO-MARC

    Takes an OAI-PMH set feed from The Open Archives Initiative, converts the Dublin Core data to MARC21, and saves the output to the local machine for import into Alma, OCLC Connexion, MARCEdit, etc.

  • aydanurakca/Library-Management-System

    A basic automation system for librarians, library members and library managers.

  • caltechlibrary/topi

    Simple Python objects for getting data from TIND

  • GallusMax/open-source-self-check

    An OpenSource Selfcheck system that is FAST, intuitive and - Free Software! Enhancements against the code from

  • MrJeremyHobbs/Alma-SRU

    A module for requesting and parsing SRU data from Alma.

  • AlexwellChen/MandarinLibrary


  • cralexns/Traktor

    Sync local library with

  • mrswapnilsahu/Library-Automation-System

    This project is built to enhance the efficiency of a library in current scenario the library management is automatic but the library staff still has to spend a lot of time in issue and return of the books so this solution is totally different from the current system this project not only provides the facility of computer based issue and return as well as no librarian is needed to issue and return the books for the members. The past works done in this fields are RFID based library system in which each book has a RFID tag so that staff don’t have to enter Book number they only scan the RFID no and do entries we had extends this solution and built the self-issue and return service.The objective of this project is to increase the efficiency of a library staff by providing self-issue and self-return service the library staff can do other productive works in that time as well as less resources are needed for that purpose and the project is built on the idea of Distributed system so there is not so much traffic on server. This project is built to enhance the efficiency of a library in current scenario the library management is automatic but the library staff still has to spend a lot of time in issue and return of the books so this solution is totally different from the current system this project not only provides the facility of computer based issue and return as well as no librarian is needed to issue and return the books for the members.

  • RonBulaon/PeopleCounter

    In response to social distancing measures during COVID-19 pandemic, it has been imposed to limit the number of people in almost every location and educational institutions are not exempted to it. Hence the idea of counting the actual number of people inside the building became a requirement.

  • boffo


    Boffo is an add-on for Google Sheets written by the Caltech Library. It lets you select item barcodes in a spreadsheet and retrieve information about the item records from a FOLIO server.

  • fabiopiovam/dj-la-library-system

    Django Library System Application

  • Kaustav-Purkayastha/Library-Management-System

    Using the Language C++

  • MrJeremyHobbs/Alma-Delete-Portfolios-In-Batch

    A simple Python script to delete electronic portfolios in batch in Alma, using an Analytics spreadsheet as an input.

  • nemobis/BEIC

    Misc tools for BEIC (Biblioteca Europea di Informazione e Cultura)
