
Django Library System Application

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Django Library Management System

  • pip install -e git+git://github.com/laborautonomo/dj-la-library-system.git@v0.4.0#egg=dj-la-library-system

  • Require django-la-tags - v0.4.0. If not auto install, execute pip install -e git+git://github.com/laborautonomo/django-la-tags.git@v0.4.0#egg=django-la-tags

  • execute ./manage.py makemigrations && ./manage.py migrate (this line prevent the error InvalidBasesError: Cannot resolve bases for...)

  • Add tags.apps.TagsConfig into INSTALLED_APPS of settings.py

  • Add library_sys.apps.LibrarySysConfig into INSTALLED_APPS of settings.py

  • execute ./manage.py makemigrations && ./manage.py migrate

  • Include library_sys URLconf. Ex.:

    • Import the include() function: from django.conf.urls import url, include
    • Add a URL to urlpatterns:
    url(r'^tags/', include('tags.urls')),
    url(r'^', include('library_sys.urls')),

Implement a default layout (optional):

  • Create base.html into your root template with content:
{% extends "layout_libsys_0.1.0/base.html" %}
{% block head_extra %}{% endblock %}
{% block title %}Actual Page{% endblock %}
{% block title2 %}Project name{% endblock %}
{% block site_title %}This is my library management system{% endblock %}
  • Change layout images:
    • Create directories library_sys/static/library_sys/img/
    • Put images bg.jpg, logo.png, favicon.png and search.png
    • Add os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'library_sys/static'), into STATICFILES_DIRS on settings.py