
There are 256 repositories under license-plate-recognition topic.

  • sergiomsilva/alpr-unconstrained

    License Plate Detection and Recognition in Unconstrained Scenarios

  • viseron


    Self-hosted, local only NVR and AI Computer Vision software. With features such as object detection, motion detection, face recognition and more, it gives you the power to keep an eye on your home, office or any other place you want to monitor.

  • sherlockchou86/VideoPipe


  • sirius-ai/LPRNet_Pytorch

    Pytorch Implementation For LPRNet, A High Performance And Lightweight License Plate Recognition Framework.

  • DoubangoTelecom/ultimateALPR-SDK

    World's fastest ANPR / ALPR implementation for CPUs, GPUs, VPUs and NPUs using deep learning (Tensorflow, Tensorflow lite, TensorRT, OpenVX, OpenVINO). Multi-Charset (Latin, Korean, Chinese) & Multi-OS (Jetson, Android, Raspberry Pi, Linux, Windows) & Multi-Arch (ARM, x86).

  • parkpow/deep-license-plate-recognition

    Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) or Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) software that works with any camera.

  • mtkarimi/persian-license-plate-recognition

    PLPR utilizes YOLOv5 and custom models for high-accuracy Persian license plate recognition, featuring real-time processing and an intuitive interface in an open-source framework.

  • we0091234/yolov7_plate

    yolov7 车牌检测 车牌识别 中文车牌识别 检测 支持双层车牌 支持12种中文车牌

  • apoorva-dave/LicensePlateDetector

    Detects license plate of car and recognizes its characters

  • Dharun/Tensorflow-License-Plate-Detection

    The project developed using TensorFlow to recognize the License Plate from a car and to detect the charcters from it.

  • femioladeji/License-Plate-Recognition-Nigerian-vehicles

    A python program that uses the concept of OCR using machine learning to identify the characters on a Nigerian license plate

  • MuhammadMoinFaisal/Automatic_Number_Plate_Detection_Recognition_YOLOv8

    Automatic Number Plate Detection YOLOv8

  • mehmetgoren/feniks

    A computer based NVR (Network Video Recorder) with AI capabilities

  • ufownl/alpr_utils

    ALPR model in unconstrained scenarios for Chinese license plates

  • faisalthaheem/open-lpr

    Open Source and Free License Plate Recognition Software

  • shreyapamecha/Speed-Estimation-of-Vehicles-with-Plate-Detection

    The main objective of this project is to identify overspeed vehicles, using Deep Learning and Machine Learning Algorithms. After acquisition of series of images from the video, trucks are detected using Haar Cascade Classifier. The model for the classifier is trained using lots of positive and negative images to make an XML file. This is followed by tracking down the vehicles and estimating their speeds with the help of their respective locations, ppm (pixels per meter) and fps (frames per second). Now, the cropped images of the identified trucks are sent for License Plate detection. The CCA (Connected Component Analysis) assists in Number Plate detection and Characters Segmentation. The SVC model is trained using characters images (20X20) and to increase the accuracy, 4 cross fold validation (Machine Learning) is also done. This model aids in recognizing the segmented characters. After recognition, the calculated speed of the trucks is fed into an excel sheet along with their license plate numbers. These trucks are also assigned some IDs to generate a systematized database.

  • alitourani/yolo-license-plate-detection

    A License-Plate detecttion application based on YOLO

  • hpc203/license-plate-detect-recoginition-pytorch


  • longphungtuan94/ALPR_System

    Automatic License Plate Recognition System for Vietnamese Plates

  • connervieira/Predator

    A multi-purpose camera system focused on offline license plate and object recognition

  • raysonlaroca/rodosol-alpr-dataset

    RodoSol-ALPR: a dataset for license plate detection and recognition that includes 20K images of vehicles with Brazilian/Mercosur license plates.

  • vjgpt/Vehicle-Number-Plate-Reading

    Read Vehicle Number Plate and store the data in a CSV file with date and time.

  • fanghon/lpr

    一个实际场景下的中文车牌识别软件 the chinese license plate recognition software in unconstrained environment

  • souravrs999/License-Plate-Recognition

    A pytorch implementation of a darkent trained yolov4-tiny model that can detect number plates and helmets if a number plate is detected it is passed through an OCR to recognize the number

  • mahavird/my_deep_anpr

    License Plate Recognition based on CNN/Deep Learning

  • Asikpalysik/Automatic-License-Plate-Detection

    In this project we utilize OpenCV t in order to identify the license number plates and the python pytesseract for the characters and digits extraction from the plate. As well this project will presents a robust and efficient ALPR system based on the state-of-the-art YOLO object detector. We build Web App with a Python program that automatically recognizes the License Number Plate by the end of this journi. The results have shown that the trained neural network is able to perform with high accuracy of nearly 90-95 percent in recognizing license plates in low resolution images using this system.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook592019
  • raysonlaroca/ufpr-alpr-dataset

    UFPR-ALPR: a dataset for license plate detection and recognition that includes 4,500 fully annotated images acquired in real-world scenarios where both the vehicle and the camera (inside another vehicle) are moving.

  • andreybicalho/vrpdr

    Deep Learning Applied To Vehicle Registration Plate Detection and Recognition in PyTorch.

  • pooya-mohammadi/crnn-pytorch

    pytorch implementation of crnn. A sample training of license plate is provided.

  • hpc203/license-plate-detect-recoginition-opencv


  • ankandrew/ConvALPR

    Reconocedor Automatico (real-time) de Patentes utilizando Redes Neuronales Convolucionales

  • fast-plate-ocr


    Lightweight & fast OCR models for license plate text recognition.

  • trungdinh22/License-Plate-Recognition

    Vietnamese license plate recognition

    Language:Jupyter Notebook391114
  • Dodant/anpr-with-yolo-v4

    Automatic License Plate Recognition using Yolo v4 (2020-1 CNU SW Capstone Design Project)

  • omerkocadayi/Python_Goruntu_Isleme

    Giriş Seviyesinden İleri Seviyeye Kadar Python ile Görüntü İşleme.. Nesne Tespiti, Nesne Takibi, Yüz Tespiti, Göz Algılama ve Göz Hareketleri Takibi, Beden Tespiti, El Hareketlerini Anlamlandırma, Şerit Takibi, Plaka Okuma vs. gibi resim, video ve gerçek zamanlı örnek uygulamalar
