Pinned issues
- 2
Contribute to new OCR
#14 opened by ankandrew - 10
Enhancing Model Robustness for Argentine License Plate OCR in Varied Lighting Conditions
#9 opened by yihong1120 - 2
#15 opened by HabiburICT - 6
ML Frameworks for Inference
#13 opened by ankandrew - 5
Issue with new number plates
#11 opened by alanacc92 - 2
Can't export to onnx
#12 opened by VitalyVaryvdin - 0
#10 opened by magm3333 - 0
Dataset de patentes recortadas
#1 opened by ankandrew - 2
Casos de poor performance del modelo
#2 opened by ankandrew - 1
#8 opened by LautaroAndresSaez - 1
- 1
- 12
- 2
Feature request: ONNX version
#3 opened by robinvanemden