
There are 13 repositories under lightcurve topic.

  • JuliaAstro/Transits.jl

    Flexible photometric transit curves with limb darkening

  • hposborn/MonoTools

    A package for detecting, vetting, and modelling transiting exoplanets on uncertain periods

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7413
  • javiserna/TESSExtractor-webapp

    Web application to search, process, and visualizes the TESS data of any target cataloged in astronomical databases like SIMBAD.

  • JosieBunnell/Kepler_Notebooks

    A collection of Jupyter Notebook tutorials for the use of Kepler data products from MAST

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1001
  • lichtgestalter/curvesim

    Curvesim calculates the movements and eclipses of celestial bodies and produces a video of this and of the resulting lightcurve.

  • Nestak2/predict_light_curve_ramp

    Prediction of a star light curve behaviour with a neural network

  • xiaziyna/lightcurve-of-the-day

    Animated transit lightcurve posted once a day to twitter

  • YuvrajVamp7K/Planet-Finder

    PlanetFinder is a Python-based tool designed for the detection and analysis of exoplanets using light curve data from the TESS mission. Leveraging the Lightkurve library, it allows users to search for, visualize, and analyze potential exoplanet transits, making it an ideal resource for both citizen scientists and professional astronomers.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • kirxkirx/patpc

    search for periodicity in photon arrival time data

  • miroslavbroz/lc_polygon

    Test of lightcurve computation for a general polygonal mesh.

  • asc-csa/BRITE_Tutorial

    🔆Ce tutoriel a été créé pour aider les utilisateurs à exploiter les données ouvertes des courbes de lumière de la mission de la Constellation BRITE! | 🔆 This tutorial has been created to help users make use of the open lightcurve data from the BRITE Constellation Mission!

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20
  • dcf21/plato-wp36-v2

    PLATO WP36 Exoplanet Analysis System transit detection pipeline (version 2)

  • miroslavbroz/lc_triangle

    Test of lightcurve computation for a general triangular mesh.
