
Web application to search, process, and visualizes the TESS data of any target cataloged in astronomical databases like SIMBAD.

A user-friendly web application to visualize TESS light curves

Are you interested in checking if a star is variable or not? Or simply, are you examining for a particular feature in the brightness of a star (e.g., Exoplanets, multiple stellar systems, stellar spots, flares, pulsations, etc.)? The TESSExtractor application offers a quick view of the TESS data (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) for any star cataloged in SIMBAD.

Check out the TESSExtractor application:

Getting started? Please take a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxV4HdRwbfg

Need assistance? Please email support@tessextractor.app

Feel free to use this app in any scientific project!

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Copyright© 2022. Javier Serna, Jesús Hernandez and ARYSO group.