
There are 119 repositories under linear-regression-models topic.

  • newellp88/V20pyPro

    Machine learning, database, and quant tools for forex trading.

  • mahesh147/Multiple-Linear-Regression

    A simple python program that implements a very basic Multiple Linear Regression model

  • chen0040/js-regression

    Package provides javascript implementation of linear regression and logistic regression

  • NErler/JointAI

    Joint Analysis and Imputation of generalized linear models and linear mixed models with missing values

  • fwildclusterboot


    Fast Wild Cluster Bootstrap Inference for Regression Models / OLS in R. Additionally, R port to WildBootTests.jl via the JuliaConnectoR.

  • Hritik21/House-Price-Predictor

    In this project, I have created simple model which predict the price of the house on the basis of it's area.

  • CasperKristiansson/Elements-of-AI-Building-AI

    All exercises for the course Elements of AI - Building AI

  • Automatic-irrigation-and-crop-prediction


    A system that is capable of automatically irrigating the agricultural field by sensing the parameters of soil in real-time and predicting crop based on those parameters using machine learning. The system also predicts the yield of the crop.

  • mdl-complexity


    MDL Complexity computations and experiments from the paper "Revisiting complexity and the bias-variance tradeoff".

    Language:Jupyter Notebook18412
  • mahesh147/Simple-Linear-Regression

    A simple python program that implements a very basic Linear Regression model

  • milonigada09/Supply-Chain-forecasting-deep-learning

    In this project, we leverage Deep Learning algorithms to build robust forecasting system that monitors the change in the demand side and aligns the supply side to make up for the inaccuracy of the forecasts and randomness in demand, helping retailers increase their inventory and planning efficiency.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook18106
  • brunocampos01/predict-which-customers-a-call-center-should-contact

    Predict which customers should a call-center call for greater assertiveness in a sale

  • ESKINDERTSEGAYE/Project-Market-Value-Predictor

    The Project Market Value Predictor is a powerful tool developed to assist project managers, investors, and stakeholders in estimating the market value of their projects. By leveraging historical project data and employing machine learning techniques, this project aims to provide accurate and reliable predictions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6102
  • mehmoodulhaq570/Machine-Learning-Models

    A repository consisting of machine learning models for predicting the future instance. More specifically this repository is a Machine Learning course for those who are interested in learning the basics of machine learning algorithms.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5101
  • SavanK/FakeNewsChallenge

    Combating fake news problem

  • stefonalfaro/AI-as-a-Service

    An API for managing chat completions, fine-tuning, payments, plans, and configurations.

  • oscarnieves100/MATLAB-Simulations

    This repository contains single-script files for mathematics and physics-related simulations in Matlab. Useful for students who are learning to program or for anyone in industry/research who needs a multi-purpose code for their particular job.

  • RANJITHROSAN17/linear-regression-machine-learning

    Linear Regression Machine learning The goal is to develop a model that can accurately predict salaries based on relevant features such as job title, years of experience, and education level.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3110
  • sabeelahmad/Gradient-Descent

    Gradient Descent for N features using two datasets: Boston House data, Power Plant Data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3012
  • ArpanDhot/Face-measurement-for-online-glasses-ordering

    A real-time facial measurement tool that uses MediaPipe and linear regression to assist customers in selecting appropriately sized glasses when ordering online. It detects facial landmarks via webcam, estimates the distance from the camera, dynamically overlays glasses on the face, and displays measurements such as eye width and eye distance.

  • Ayoub-etoullali/Activites-Pratiques-ML

    PCA For Dimension Reduction And Visualization, Temperature-Yield Prediction Via Linear Regression, And Linear Fit Optimization Using Gradient Descent.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • bhattbhavesh91/r-squared-negative

    Repository showing r squared can be negative

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2201
  • girirajv10/Linear-Regression

    Linear Regression Algorithms for Machine Learning using Scikit Learn

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • jamesdhope/regression-models

    A series of documented Jupyter notebooks implementing polynomial regression models and model performance analysis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2212
  • Jishnnu/Multiple-Linear-Regression

    This is a small simple linear regression project created for academic purposes.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • LSShrivathsan/soil-moisture-analysis

    Soil moisture analysis , prediction and decision making to irrigate or drain water from field using Machine Learning ,numpy ,pandas , sklearn , matplotlib , Gradient Boosting Regressor model, linear regression model .

  • m0-k1/TSF--Data-Science-Tasks

    This repository consist of the tasks given during my internship at The Sparks Foundation

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2104
  • Streamlit-Programs


    This repository contains programs in the Python programming language using Module Streamlit.

  • shuxiaoc/outference

    A Tool for Valid Inference Corrected for Outlier Removal in Linear Regressions

  • vivek2319/Linear-Regression-Prediction

    This repository focuses on the projects that I would be doing on "Linear Regression". Feel free to make any improvements. Thanks

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2023
  • xiaojie-qian/House-and-Urban-development

    Housing value predictive model (Using US official datasets to build predictive model by using excel)

  • etsryn/Linear-Regression

    A collection of linear regression models demonstrating their application and versatility with various datasets. Each model illustrates the relationships between input variables and target outputs, serving as educational resources for understanding linear regression concepts.

  • FarrelAD/JavaScript-Linear-Regression-Model

    Sebuah model regresi linear 📈 sederhana yang diimplementasikan dengan program JavaScript yang dijalankan dengan Node.js dan di web. Model ini mampu melakukan prediksi pada data apapun termasuk fitur tunggal dan multi fitur

  • Grace-Hephzibah/LinearRegression

    Collaborative work to learn streamlit and simple linear regression

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1102
  • henriqueedu2001/linear_regressor

    Linear regressor ML model, with just numpy and pandas

  • hk-kumawat/House-Price-Predictor

    🏡 An ML-based tool predicting U.S. house prices based on income, house age, room count, and area population.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100