
Linear Regression Machine learning The goal is to develop a model that can accurately predict salaries based on relevant features such as job title, years of experience, and education level.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

data analysis Linear-Regression-SALARY-PREDICTION

Acquiring data from relevant sources for analysis Performing data cleaning, wrangling, and preprocessing to ensure data quality Conducting exploratory data analysis to gain insights and understand the data Utilizing feature engineering and selection techniques to enhance the predictive models Selecting and fine-tuning the appropriate models for optimal performance Evaluating the model's performance and implementing measures to improve accuracy Employing Python libraries for making predictions based on the trained models Creating visualizations using suitable libraries to present data in a meaningful way Extracting insights and drawing conclusions from the analyzed data Utilizing predictions to facilitate informed decision-making processes Achieving improved accuracy in data analysis through the utilization of advanced techniques Automating tasks through the application of machine learning algorithms, enhancing efficiency Enhancing data handling efficiency by leveraging Python libraries and their capabilities