
There are 9 repositories under liver-cancer topic.

  • cbailes/awesome-ai-cancer

    Awesome artificial intelligence in cancer diagnostics and oncology

  • segmentation-eval


    Extract and evaluate radiomics for liver cancer tumors from DICOM segmentation masks. Using SimpleITK, PyRadiomics and PyDicom.

  • DebeshJha/CirrMRI600PLUS

    CirrMRI600+: Large Scale MRI Collection and Segmentation of Cirrhotic Liver

  • Dr-Salcedo/hepatocellular_carcinoma_one_year_survival

    Classification model for 1 year survival rates in patients with HCC (hepatocellular carcinoma).

  • chautruonglong/Applying-CNN-in-determining-cancer-cells-from-CT-scans

    Liver cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases and is one of causes leading of death. The application of science and technology in the diagnosis and identification of cancerous tissues of the liver plays a very important role. This assists the doctor in planning and treating the patient. In this paper, we study the application of convolutional neural networks (CNN) in the determination of cancerous tissues of the human liver. The training are performed on a 3D CT image dataset of the body segment containing the liver. We then run the results into a train model, on which experiments are performed with different test samples.

  • rmnldwg/liver-smart

    Data and analysis pipeline for a study on the potential advantages of daily adaptive liver SBRT performed at the University Hospital Zurich.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2102
  • shinjinighosh/liver-cancer-pred

    Playground for trying to predict liver cancer

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2102
  • mckellwoodland/dimen_reduce_mahal

    Official Repository for the MELBA paper entitled "Dimensionality Reduction and Nearest Neighbors for Improving Out-of-Distribution Detection in Medical Image Segmentation".
