
There are 44 repositories under login-signup topic.

  • dipakkr/node-auth

    Implementing Authentication in NodeJS With Express and JWT - CodeLab #1

  • shivamvk/MoviesIMDB

    A app that fetches the TMDB api for data about movies and tvshows.

  • HasiniWijerathna/React-Login-Modal

    React Login Modal is a functional responsive login and signup modal with validation which supports custom configurable CSS properties.

  • DaveSimoes/login-signup-react-bootstrap

    A simple Login & Registration UI Template using React - Bootstrap 5 Tutorial.

  • PrabhunathY/SampleReactNative

    React Native sample application with login, register, navigation, UI design, REST API request, redux and store handling

  • rishi772001/web-development

    Web applications using various programming languages and frameworks for practice with connecting to database and GUI.

  • youranonone10/animatedloginpage.github.io

    Animated Login Page Using HTML and CSS

  • danger-ahead/Connect

    Trying to make a thing like Facebook, for my batchmates, just to be in touch

  • javitocor/Events-Controller-React

    A webapp to manage the tickets selling and attendance to events, users must register/login to access the protected routes, built with React&Redux.

  • mohitg07/iNotebook-React

    iNotebook is a MERN Stack Application for managing personal notes on the cloud. Create your account and get started. Create your own notes and save them to iNotebook. It's totally safe because you must be Logged In for accessing your notes.

  • Sagargupta16/Authentication-System

    Login and Signup Portal Using MERN Stack

  • Sdcrouse/my-verses

    This is a Ruby on Rails app that lets people post and share their favorite Bible verses. The frontend uses HTML, CSS, and ERB syntax, while the Rails backend connects to a SQLite database. Its main features include CRUD functionality, user signup/login with Facebook, and Rspec testing.

  • itsabhishekmehra/Login-Signup-API-Nodejs

    I have made Login Signup with JWT and Cookies with Express.

  • ROR2022/loginApp

    Login Web App Using ReactJS, React-Bootstrap and Formik for UI and Node-Express-Mongo at Backend, deploy in AWS-EC2

  • Rutulpatel7077/CustomCMS

    This is Content Management System(CMS) developed in PHP with Model View Controller(MVC, Laravel Structure) for school projects and assignments and

  • Tesla-gamer/login-signup-app

    Login and signup page using firebase

  • Abdelrahman1810/Home-page-design

    Home page design with three screens (Home & Login & Sign up) 💜

  • ahmeriqbal7aa/login_signup_ui_animation

    Attractive Animated Login and SignUp Page UI

  • amberkakkar01/IEEE-Registration-Form

    It is a beautiful simple responsive frontend login, registration form designed for IEEE-DITU Branch

  • Bhabishya-123/loginsystem-chat

    created simple chat application with login system using mysql database along with php and html , css and javascript.

  • ellikamishra/Door-Step-Farm-Supply

    Door Step Farm Supply, mini project to connect farmers and customers .Built using Mysql and React.

  • kd1729/multiuser_todoApp_from_scratch

    MultiUser TODO App made from Scratch using ReactJS

  • purvilmehta06/SmartBricks

    SmartBricks is a commercial website for property selling and purchasing. SmartBricks provides a platform to sellers, owners, and builders to sell their property online. Depending upon the popularity of the area and builder, they can set proper price for their property. On the other side, the buyer will get the advantage of statistics of the area like availability, amenities in the house on their phone or desktop. We provide owner details to buyer after verification so that privacy maintains for both users.

  • Samokhvalova-Nata/goit-react-hw-08-phonebook

    Async Redux_Login/Registration

  • harshahuja186/NotesList-vue

    The "NotesList" project is a dynamic note-taking web application developed using Vue.js, JavaScript, and Firebase. Users can effortlessly create, edit, and delete notes with an intuitive interface. The application incorporates user authentication through Firebase, allowing users to register and securely save their notes to a Firebase database.

  • nikhilpawar2/Healthmug-clone-cw-project

    Healthmug is an E-commerce website providing medicines at the most reasonable prices, This is collaborative project built by a team of 5 executed in 7 days. salavisushant.github.io/healthmug-final.github.io/ Topics homepage payment-gateway login-signup cart-shopping

  • RaojiPatil/Healthmug-clone-cw-project

    Healthmug is an E-commerce website providing medicines at the most reasonable prices, This is collaborative project built by a team of 5 executed in 7 days.

  • sonata22/BOF-frontend-advanced-project

    The final project, developed during studying Full-Stack course at Integrify Academy.

  • affancoder/musk-task

    Musk Task by developer affan

  • avinashtare/Notes-App-Firebase

    A full-stack Notes App built with React, Vite, Express, and Firebase for seamless authentication

  • Hamed-Hasan/electronics-zone-client

    Building "Innovate Tech Solutions": A dynamic React app with CRUD operations, user authentication, admin dashboard, and more! 🚀 Join the tech journey! #FullStackDevelopment

  • prince-111/NoteBook

    crud on mern stack

  • rajyadav0001/react-login-signup

    This is a mini project of login/Signup in react using LocalStorage and Private Routing. In this project i have tried to make a good ui and it is also responsive for all devices. Click on the below link and take a look of my work , Thanks 😊

  • tushar-2223/PHP-CRUD

    All CRUD operations using php
