
There are 31 repositories under lrp topic.

  • 1202kbs/Understanding-NN

    Tensorflow tutorial for various Deep Neural Network visualization techniques

    Language:Jupyter Notebook34513689
  • chr5tphr/zennit

    Zennit is a high-level framework in Python using PyTorch for explaining/exploring neural networks using attribution methods like LRP.

  • fhvilshoj/TorchLRP

    A PyTorch 1.6 implementation of Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation (LRP).

  • rachtibat/zennit-crp

    An eXplainable AI toolkit with Concept Relevance Propagation and Relevance Maximization

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12071517
  • hans66hsu/nn_interpretability

    Pytorch implementation of various neural network interpretability methods

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1123419
  • Julia-XAI/ExplainableAI.jl

    Explainable AI in Julia.

  • kaifishr/PyTorchRelevancePropagation

    A basic implementation of Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) in PyTorch.

  • akarasman/yolo-heatmaps

    A utility for generating heatmaps of YOLOv8 using Layerwise Relevance Propagation (LRP/CRP).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4811313
  • chengy6324/LSTM_LRP_factor

    使用LSTM及股票因子数据预测未来收益,使用LRP(layer-wise relevance propagation)增强网络可解释性

  • sutd-visual-computing-group/transferable-forensic-features

    [ECCV 2022: Oral] In this work, we discover that color is a crtical transferable forensic feature (T-FF) in universal detectors for detecting CNN-generated images.

  • rodrigobdz/lrp

    Explain Neural Networks using Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation and evaluate the explanations using Pixel-Flipping and Area Under the Curve.

  • doscsy12/XAI_sentiment_proj

    Using Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for sentiment analysis (NLP)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook13100
  • stavrostheocharis/easy_explain

    An XAI library that helps to explain AI models in a really quick & easy way

  • MehranTaghian/SAC_GCN

    Explainability of Deep RL algorithms using graph networks and layer-wise relevance propagation.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9200
  • RochanaChaturvedi/it-is-all-in-the-name

    We predict religion from personal names only.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8103
  • jihyeonseong/SAI-board-by-streamlit

    Cyber Security AI Dashboard

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6104
  • samsonq/COVID-XAI

    Implementation of explainability algorithms (layer-wise relevance propagation, local interpretable model-agnostic explanations, gradient-weighted class activation mapping) on computer vision architectures to identify and explain regions of COVID 19 pneumonia in chest X-ray and CT scans.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6400
  • MichaelMMeskhi/TransferLRP

    Transfer Explainability via Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation Demo for AAAI

  • tubml-pathology/xMIL

    xMIL: Insightful Explanations for Multiple Instance Learning in Histopathology

    Language:Jupyter Notebook51
  • Pretzel-Solution/DNN-binaural-localization

    Simulate directional sound – deep neural network (DNN) – layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • anondo1969/lrp-grad_cam-chexpert

    Repository for the 'best student paper award' winning paper at the IEEE 35th International Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2022), Exploring LRP and Grad-CAM visualization to interpret multi-label-multi-class pathology prediction using chest radiography, Mahbub Ul Alam, Jón Rúnar Baldvinsson and Yuxia Wang.

  • anondo1969/SHAMSUL

    Repository for the journal article 'SHAMSUL: Systematic Holistic Analysis to investigate Medical Significance Utilizing Local interpretability methods in deep learning for chest radiography pathology prediction'

  • d-becking/ECQx

    ECQx: Explainability-Driven Quantization for Low-Bit and Sparse DNNs

  • tlabarta/helpfulnessofxai

    This repository contains the code to generate the questionnaire that was conducted for the sake of our paper *Labarta et al.: Study on the Helpfulness of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (2024)* as well as the scripts for the analysis of the gathered survey results.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • anondo1969/deep-speech-vis

    (Master's Thesis) Alam, Mahbub Ul, From Speech to Image: A Novel Approach to Understand the Hidden Layer Mechanisms of Deep Neural Networks in Automatic Speech Recognition, Masterarbeit, Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Universität Stuttgart, 2017. (

  • eirspo/eoa

    eirspo official branch of odoo for better localization and openness

  • justinmacp/LRP_CUDA

    An attempt at implementing the Layerwise Relevance Propagation in a CUDA runtime

  • sandy1990418/ExplainableAI

    Briefly introduce methods of explainable ai in LLM

  • VigneshSrinivasan10/Cosip

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0104
  • nz0001na/face_social_trait

    Code used in paper 'Comprehensive social trait judgments from faces in autism spectrum disorder'

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00