
There are 179 repositories under mathplotlib topic.

  • lironmiz/python_mini_projects

    my python mini projects as part of the complete python Pro Bootcamp for 2023 - 100 Days of Code course

  • Practicum100-by-Yandex


    Course included such topics, as Data Preprocessing, Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), Statistical Data Analysis (SDA), Data Collection and Storage (PostgreSQL), Business Analytics, Making Business Decisions Based on Data (Hypotheses testing), How to Tell a Story Using Data (Presentation and Data Visualization - Maplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly), Automation (Dash, Tableau), Forecasts and Predictions, 2 Integrated projects.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11102
  • DiamondValuationPrediction


    💎 Diamond Valuation Prediction

    Language:Jupyter Notebook91203
  • dsibi/yandex_praktikum_da

    My projects for Data Analysis course by Yandex Praktikum

    Language:Jupyter Notebook83011
  • AbhiFutureTech/EDA-Rollercoaster

    This repository contains an exploratory data analysis (EDA) project focused on roller coasters. The project involved organizing, cleaning, and visualizing the data to gain insights into roller coasters' characteristics and performance.

  • AbuBakkar32/Machine-Learning-Practice

    This GitHub repository is a valuable resource for machine learning and Python enthusiasts. It includes a wide range of projects and tools, covering topics like Data Visualization, Data Analysis, ML, DL, Automation, NLP, Web Scraping, and more. Contributors are welcome to join and learn together in this supportive community. Happy coding!

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7100
  • Mindful-AI-Assistants/storytelling-2024-25

    🎭 Storyteling for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence - PUC-SP University

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6131
  • Machine-Learning-Projects


    projetos de Machine Learning usando google Colab

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5203
  • Bootcamp-PythonTeek-FlightrRadarAPI


    The GitHub bootcamp was organized to teach teenagers how to use this platform. We put this course project in this repository.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook51014
  • out-of-sample-stock-price-prediction


    This is a small example of using Facebook's open-source algorithm for generating time-series models, with a dataset from yahoo finance.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5200
  • Quantum-Software-Development/QuantumComputing-Timeline-Formulas

    A code repository designed to show the best GitHub has to offer.

  • Sentiment-Analysis-of-Covid-19-Tweets


    Texts from twitter has been collected to decide the impact, it has been causing the public .We took a testing dataset and used neural network – Model training for testing the retrieved tweets and gain prediction of the sentiments from their tweets.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5201
  • mateensa/SyPy

    This git project contains programming excercises written in python for almost everything ranging from Solving Problems using Algorithms and Data structures, webscrapping, managing connectivity to db, ml and plotting graphs

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4304
  • stonatm/python_filtering_data

    Simple python library thats implemented EWMA, IIR and Average filter.

  • jaseel97/StockPlot

    Plot graphs and compare Stocks/Crypto Currency

  • richard-zi/branch-and-bound

    This repository, created for an Operations Research module, contains scripts employing the Branch-and-Bound algorithm for linear optimization. Utilizing SciPy and Xpress libraries, the scripts solve and visually illustrate the optimization process, aiding in the understanding of the algorithm's application in Operations Research.

  • Yahoo-Stocks-QT6-app


    PyQT6 project that parses, receives and processes data from Yahoo Finance

  • MathScore


    Software for counting points in team mathematics competitions

  • bubelov/market-plots

    Set of Python scripts that can be used to retrieve and plot market data

  • CoderMungan/crispy-invention

    old but good

  • conorheffron/nba-stats

    NBA Analytics (2015 - 2023): Player Statistics

    Language:Jupyter Notebook21110
  • daira/dualpowsim

    Undocumented Python 3 programs for simulating dual PoW and confirmation times for Zcash. Please report issues at

  • Dan-Boat/TrajView

    Python module for trajectory visualization. The module utilizes basemap or cartopy as a backgroup map and mathplotlib linecolections to plot the paths of the trajectories.

  • darkraisisi/RoadPollutionPY

    RoadPollutionPY is a visualisation tool to determine the effect different maximum speeds have on pollution created by wheeled vehicles - IPASS 2019/2020

  • db15patel/Leaf-Infection-Detection

    The main objective of this project is to analyze and identify leaf diseases using image processing and machine learning. The project aims to help farmers and researchers by providing accurate disease detection, which can improve the quality and productivity of agricultural products.

  • emilyng-sz/cursor-motion-analysis

    end-to-end solution for cursor detection and motion analysis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • famesensor/Fer-Eating

    The aim of this project is to measure the satisfaction while testing food products.

  • httpanand/Piechart-Mathplotlib

    A simple piechart with mathplotlib.

  • miamib34ch/HSE-Python

    My practical work on programming on Python in the first year of study.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • mucinoab/MII

    Sitio Web Métodos Numéricos II


    Data Boards - Visualization of various plots ( Analysis )

  • Radel-24/RescuePath

    A program that finds the most efficient path through a crowd using a given image showing a top view of a large crowd.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2103
  • saptarshi11/RoadSenseAI

    Roadsense.AI refers to the process of categorizing road traffic accidents based on their severity.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • stanman71/Flask_Football

    This small project can import football results by using a webcrawler and analyse the data in flask.

  • JoaoGabrielPereiraLopes/LifeProjection

    A data analysis about the geography Brazilian indexes

  • sandeshbhatta495/Explore-Python

    This File is all about the Learning Journey of Python
