
This repository, created for an Operations Research module, contains scripts employing the Branch-and-Bound algorithm for linear optimization. Utilizing SciPy and Xpress libraries, the scripts solve and visually illustrate the optimization process, aiding in the understanding of the algorithm's application in Operations Research.

Primary LanguagePython

Branch-and-Bound Algorithm


This repository contains two Python scripts implementing the Branch-and-Bound algorithm to solve linear optimization problems. The two scripts utilize different libraries to solve the optimization problems:

  1. branch-and-bound-scipy.py: This script uses the scipy.optimize.linprog function from the SciPy library.
  2. branch-and-bound-xpress.py: This script uses the xpress library.

Both scripts also include functionalities for visualizing the solution process using the networkx and matplotlib libraries.


  • Python 3.x
  • SciPy
  • Matplotlib
  • NetworkX
  • Xpress (only for branch-and-bound-xpress.py)

Installing Prerequisites

You can install the necessary packages using pip:

pip install scipy matplotlib networkx xpress

Execution of Scripts

You can execute each script from the command line:

python3 branch-and-bound-scipy.py


python3 branch-and-bound-xpress.py


The scripts also generate a visualization of the Branch-and-Bound process, showing the search tree and the solutions found.