
There are 23 repositories under medical-device topic.

  • ceidas/Biomedical-Signal-Processing-Project

    This project was completed in 2018 as a part of my postgraduate studies in Biomedical Engineering

  • YaelBenShalom/Motorized-Prosthetic-Arm

    Designing, building and controlling a motorized prosthetic arm

    Language:Jupyter Notebook14104
  • MeindertN/RoboClerk

    A documentation automation system for SaMD and medical device software. Documentation-as-code for ISO62304 compliant development processes.

  • brunobpr/Bio-Protech-Project

    Smart Wearable Device for Reduction of Parkinson’s Disease Hand-Tremor

  • nmstreethran/paper-based-microfluidics

    My undergraduate honours project on paper-based microfluidics for animal disease detection

  • ceidas/Medical-Imaging-Project

    This project was completed in 2018 as a part of my postgraduate studies in Biomedical Engineering

  • Cerberus-Multivent


    Emergency Ventilator-Sharing System. A system using standard ventilation circuit parts and localy-manufacturable custom components to allow the use of a single ventilator to support two patients with independent control of tidal volume, FiO2, and PEEP for each patient.

  • axr6077/DragonHeart-BiVAD

    Source for the controller interface for BiVAD project on the BeagleBone Black. This repository will contain testing programs and any other peripheral functionality required by testing or updated by Customer Requirements.

  • niplabdata/auto-raa-pub

    Automated Reactive Accelerated Aging for Rapid In Vitro Evaluation of Neural Implants Performance

  • ahmedhosny/compression-paddle

    A handheld external compression device to facilitate computed tomography (CT)-fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous interventions in the abdomen.

  • sonali810/Electrospinning-Syringe-Pump

    This project creates a simple electrospinning syringe pump that incorporates an Arduino and motor.

  • zfatmi13/gesture-detection

    The objective of our project is to use electromyography (EMG) in order to classify different hand gestures. EMG is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced skeletal muscles. We used double channel surface electrodes to record EMG, with 3 electrodes per channel, one for ground and 2 for the differential input. We have used two channels as we are acquiring EMG for two different muscles, the flexor carpi ulnaris and the extensor carpi ulnaris. We have achieved two goals in our project: non-real time as well as real-time gesture detection. For non-real time gesture detection, we used BIOPAC to do the EMG recording and then imported the files into MATLAB, where we designed an algorithm to detect the gestures based on the features of the signal. When doing real-time gesture detection, we record EMG using a circuit. The circuit preamplifies the input signal, filters the resultant signal to keep the frequencies that are in the range of EMG, and removes the 60Hz noise. The output signa

  • juniajacinto7/Fresno-Neuro-Android-Application

    Patients with chronic pain or other neurologic conditions frequently note that their symptoms vary with environmental conditions. This includes heat and light but also, body position and level of activity. It would be useful for the patient and their physician to know how these factors their main symptoms such as pain, fatigue, or weakness.

  • kosidinma/MRes_Project-Java-and-Embedded-C

    Project code for my MRes research. It involves sensors using the Nordic BLE chip, android app development and embedded system programming in C. These collaborated together and also with matlab to design a system for STO2 sensor validation, calibration and testing with regards to monitoring Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. Basically medical device design and tesing.

  • PatrickBMaloney/MediBand

    🏆 BrickHack 2020 Winner: NFC patient bracelet and scanner system for first responders. Provides EMS with instant access to crucial patient information.

  • sonali810/Urinary-Catheter

    This project creates a simple urinary catheter that incorporates a distance sensor and water sensor.

  • srustisane/tms-device

    Wearable Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for Alzheimer's Disease

  • tonilgdev/FinalMasterThesis_LopezGimenez

    This repository contains the code and documents for my master’s thesis “Assessment of the accuracy and reliability of heart rate and blood oxygen saturation measurement in wearable devices". The thesis was written by Antoni López under the supervision of Juan José Ramos Castro at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

  • gjbsaiia/medicalAlarmGen

    Generates medical device alarms as .wav files according to FDA standards

  • marius12233/Pulse-Oximeter-system

    Implementation of a PulseOximeter system on embedded platform STM32

  • persephonepunch/survey-uikit

    Vue / Vue Formulate-Validation, wrapped in 11ty and webhooks to API CRUD managers and live update CRM tool workflow

  • TylerAdamMartinez/Minimally-Invasive-Monocusp-Valve

    BMEN 3310 (Engineering Measurements from Human Systems): Takes in data from an external hall sensor that reads each time the Minimally Invasive Monocusp Valve open and closes, and preforms calculations to determine the state of the patient.
