
There are 128 repositories under melpa topic.

  • company-flow

    Language:Emacs Lisp33
  • flycheck-credo

    Language:Emacs Lisp20
  • twist.nix

    Build an entire Emacs configuration as a Nix package in a pure, reproducible way

  • forth-mode

    Wants to be the SLIME of Forth

    Language:Emacs Lisp61
  • emacs-counsel-tramp

    Tramp ivy interface for ssh and docker and ‎vagrant

    Language:Emacs Lisp59
  • emacs-spacegray-theme

    A Hyperminimal UI Theme for Emacs

    Language:Emacs Lisp59
  • lsp-metals

    lsp-mode :heart: metals

    Language:Emacs Lisp58
  • emacs-easy-jekyll

    Emacs major mode for managing jekyll

    Language:Emacs Lisp58
  • jtsx

    Extends Emacs JSX/TSX built-in support.

    Language:Emacs Lisp55
  • ssh-config-mode-el

    emacs mode for editing ssh config files.

    Language:Emacs Lisp51
  • seoul256-emacs

    Emacs theme port of seoul256 color scheme for vim.

    Language:Emacs Lisp50
  • rust-playground

    GNU/Emacs mode that setup local playground for code snippets in Rust language.

    Language:Emacs Lisp44
  • emacs-pug-mode

    Pug support for Emacs, based on slim-mode.

    Language:Emacs Lisp42
  • hover.el

    Flutter tool to run hover on emacs

    Language:Emacs Lisp41
  • reveal-in-osx-finder

    Reveal buffer-associated file in OS X Finder

    Language:Emacs Lisp41
  • gerrit.el

    gerrit integration in emacs

    Language:Emacs Lisp40
  • shakespeare-mode

    An emacs major mode for editing hamlet, lucius, and julius files

    Language:Emacs Lisp37
  • psysh.el

    PsySH on Emacs, PHP interactive shell (REPL)

    Language:Emacs Lisp33
  • emacs-company-dict

    A port of ac-source-dictionary to company-mode, plus annotation and documentation support.

    Language:Emacs Lisp33
  • helm-backup

    Backup all file changes in emacs through git and retrieve them using helm

    Language:Emacs Lisp33
  • eshell-up

    Quickly go to a specific parent directory in eshell

    Language:Emacs Lisp31
  • guix-emacs

    Guix channel for automatically generated emacs packages.

  • emacs-mips-mode

    An Emacs major mode for MIPS assembly code

    Language:Emacs Lisp27
  • emacs2nix

    Automatically generate Nix expressions for Emacs packages

  • osx-trash

    Make Emacs' delete-by-moving-to-trash do what you expect it to do on OS X.

    Language:Emacs Lisp26
  • emacs-antiproxy

    :unlock: anti proxy/firewall setup using git repo mirrors of package archives. (local melpa)

  • emacs-configuration

    All my Emacs' configuration

    Language:Emacs Lisp25
  • emacs-snazzy

    Elegant Emacs theme with bright colors

    Language:Emacs Lisp24
  • company-ansible

    Ansible keywords completion for Emacs

    Language:Emacs Lisp24
  • emacs-syncthing

    Emacs client for Syncthing

    Language:Emacs Lisp22
  • alarm-clock

    An alarm clock for Emacs

    Language:Emacs Lisp22
  • coin-ticker-mode

    Emacs minor mode for showing the price of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies.

    Language:Emacs Lisp22
  • madhat2r-theme

    Dark theme for (spac[e]macs) that supports GUI and terminal

    Language:Emacs Lisp22
  • helm-gitignore

    Helm interface for generating .gitignore files

    Language:Emacs Lisp21
  • helm-mt

    Helm bindings for managing multi-term terminals

    Language:Emacs Lisp21
  • emacs-auto-deployment

    Copy file on save, automatic deployment it. aka auto-deployment.

    Language:Emacs Lisp19