
There are 251 repositories under microsoft-cognitive-services topic.

  • microsoft/botbuilder-dotnet

    Welcome to the Bot Framework SDK for .NET repository, which is the home for the libraries and packages that enable developers to build sophisticated bot applications using .NET.

  • microsoft/botbuilder-python

    The Microsoft Bot Framework provides what you need to build and connect intelligent bots that interact naturally wherever your users are talking, from text/sms to Skype, Slack, Office 365 mail and other popular services.

  • microsoft/botbuilder-js

    Welcome to the Bot Framework SDK for JavaScript repository, which is the home for the libraries and packages that enable developers to build sophisticated bot applications using JavaScript.

  • microsoft/botbuilder-tools

    Welcome to the Bot Framework Tools repository, which is the home for a set of tools for developers building bots with the Microsoft Bot Framework

  • microsoft/Cognitive-Face-Android

    Cognitive Services Face client library for Android.

  • brminnick/HackerNews

    A .NET MAUI app for displaying the top posts on Hacker News that demonstrates text sentiment analysis gathered using artificial intelligence

  • microsoft/Cognitive-Face-Python

    Python SDK for the Microsoft Face API, part of Cognitive Services

  • microsoft/Cognitive-Face-iOS

    iOS SDK for the Microsoft Face API, part of Cognitive Services

  • microsoft/botbuilder-java

    The Microsoft Bot Framework provides what you need to build and connect intelligent bots that interact naturally wherever your users are talking, from text/sms to Skype, Slack, Office 365 mail and other popular services.

  • microsoft/Cognitive-Face-Windows

    Windows SDK for the Microsoft Face API, part of Cognitive Services

  • mpociot/laravel-face-auth

    Laravel Face authentication

  • MicrosoftTranslator/DocumentTranslation

    Command Line tool and Windows application for document translation, a local interface to the Azure Document Translation service for Windows, macOS and Linux.

  • msbotbuilder-go


    Microsoft Bot Framework SDK for Go

  • ActiveNick/HoloBot

    HoloBot is a reusable 3D interface that allows HoloLens & VR users to interact with any bot using Mixed Reality & Speech.

  • Azure-Samples/Cognitive-Services-Voice-Assistant

    Welcome to the Microsoft Voice Assistant samples repository! Here you will find samples to help you get started building client application for your bot or Custom Command service. You will also be able to easily deploy a working Custom Command based Voice Assistant to your own Azure subscription

  • brminnick/FaceOff

    An iOS, Android and UWP app created in Xamarin.Forms that uses Microsoft's Cognitive Emotion API Services to compare facial expressions

  • ActiveNick/Unity-MS-SpeechSDK

    Sample Unity project used to demonstrate Speech Recognition using the new Microsoft Speech Service (Preview) via WebSockets.

  • CT83/Facial-Recognition-Attendance-System

    An attendance system which uses facial recognition to detect which people are present in any image.

  • brminnick/FacialRecognitionLogin

    An iOS and Android app that uses facial recognition to enhance the security of a login page. Built using Xamarin.Forms and Microsoft Cognitive Services.

  • Xamarin.Cognitive.Speech


    A client library that makes it easy to work with the Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech Services Speech to Text API on Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, UWP, and Xamarin.Forms/.NET Standard libraries used by those platforms

  • DotNetToscana/See4Me

    A cross-platform app to 'see' the world.

  • PrateekKumarSingh/PSCognitiveService

    Powershell module to access Microsoft Azure Machine learning RESTful API's or Microsoft cognitive services

  • 28mm/Fovea

    unified cli for various saas image classification apis.

  • karashiiro/TextToTalk

    Chat TTS plugin for Dalamud. Has support for triggers/exclusions, several TTS providers, and more!

  • intento/intento-api

    A specification and user manual for the Intento API – a single API to Cognitive AI models from many vendors.

  • KohrAhr/MicrosoftCognitiveServices

    Microsoft Cognitive Services on Embarcadero DELPHI

  • Zerg00s/open-ai-teams-chat-bot

    This Github repository contains two Power Automate flows that use OpenAI to answer questions in Teams. One flow uses the Standalone OpenAI service, while the other uses Azure OpenAI.

  • stardust95/NewsFeeds

    Newsfeeds website using nodejs as server and mongo as storage backends, including a simple recommendation system. 基于Node.js的新闻聚合网站, 支持基于用户行为推荐新闻.

  • StephenHodgson/MicrosoftCognitiveServices-Unity

    Microsoft Cognitive Services API wrapper for Unity

  • colbylwilliams/Cognitive-Face-Xamarin

    A client library that makes it easy to work with the Microsoft Cognitive Services Face API on Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Xamarin.Forms and/or Portable Class Libraries.

  • ikivanc/OCRVisualizer

    Microsoft Cognitive Services, Computer Vision API, OCR Visualizer on documents

  • ishaanjav/Face_Analyzer

    The purpose of this Android app is to utilize the Microsoft Face API to not only detect individual faces in an image, but also for each face provide information such as emotions, the estimated age, gender, and more. Possible applications for this app are at amusement parks, classrooms, and residential homes.

  • n3a9/vera

    Winner of LA Hack's Award Best Use of Wolfram Tech 🎉 An AI system to determine if a given statement is true or false.

  • nating/gitbot

    A Chatbot that can answer questions about GitHub.

  • easonlai/facebook_post_scraping_and_text_analytics

    This is demo repo to demostrate how to scrape post data from Facebook by Python with library facebook_scraper. And then use Azure Text Analytics to perform sentiment analysis for post text content.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook141013
  • easonlai/ms-speech-services-demo-web-tts

    Microsoft Azure Speech Services (Text-to-Speech, TTS) Web Demo with Node.JS + Express.JS server
