Welcome to the Bot Framework SDK for .NET repository, which is the home for the libraries and packages that enable developers to build sophisticated bot applications using .NET.
Pinned issues
What is the future of this library now that Microsoft 365 Agents SDK?
#6870 opened by rliberoff
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Bot is not accepting v2 tokens from Bot Framework Emulator - Single Tenant Bots
#6877 opened by sainath-reddy-gnv - 4
Not able to get some custom value in the OnMembersAddedAsync or OnInstallationUpdateActivityAsync
#6873 opened by viveknuna - 5
Consolidate multiple teams apps into single app
#6874 opened by viveknuna - 1
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When Update to,Notify Bot was fail
#6876 opened by gamegeartw - 4
Managed identity with skills failing
#6869 opened by jamesemann - 53
When using skills with user assigned managed identity , the msi endpoint fails with a 500
#6778 opened by jamesemann - 2
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Provide two new invoke handlers, (`message/fetchTask`, `message/submitAction`) for Custom Feedback Loops
#6865 opened by jk-msft - 3
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Teams V2 messaging extension started from commandbox has no context (URL placeholder are not replaced with values)
#6775 opened by anne376 - 3
TeamsSSOTokenExchangeMiddleware.DeduplicatedTokenExchangeIdAsync fails on BlobStorage ETag validation
#6861 opened by coderjoe - 1
An image in CardAction does not show the image in Microsoft Teams when it is provided as a Base64 string
#6854 opened by rliberoff - 2
The Bot Framework receives an empty activity when sending an attachment from OneDrive through MS Teams on Android
#6812 opened by oneto20 - 2
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Migrate to System.Text.Json - remove newtonsoft
#6767 opened by HSven1611 - 0
ActivityHandler.OnMessageActivityAsync is executed before receiving a file attachment when using DLASE
#6853 opened by sw-joelmut - 1
Bot teams app: After clicking send button, adaptive card showing a message at the bottom saying " 'Something went wrong. Please try again'"
#6823 opened by Amey819 - 1
Local debugging with UserAssignedMSI
#6803 opened by tracyboehrer - 0
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File upload to server (Azure web app) not working. Getting error "Could not find file"
#6844 opened by Subhadwip - 7
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Federated Credentials with App Registration
#6828 opened by tracyboehrer - 0
Update dependencies to latest version
#6825 opened by sw-joelmut - 0
Add CloudAdapter for WebApi
#6826 opened by sw-joelmut - 1
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Bot teams app: After clicking send button, adaptive card showing a message at the bottom saying " 'Something went wrong. Please try again'"
#6801 opened by Amey819 - 2
AdaptiveCards.Templating 2.0.0 fails to parse payload with json-like strings
#6814 opened by MaceWindu - 0
Not able to create instance of BlobsTranscriptStore using TokenCredential instead of connectionString and containerName
#6798 opened by rishadali19 - 3
Teams periodically fails to send messages
#6811 opened by jamesemann - 0
Gov version of CertificateAppCredentials
#6805 opened by tracyboehrer - 12
Updating Package Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Integration.Aspt.Core from 4.21.1 to 4.22.4 no longer finds ITeamsCommandHandler
#6797 opened by johnyjp - 0
AdaptiveExpressions: AOT and System.Text.Json
#6791 opened by tracyboehrer - 1
[SNI Certificate Authentication] System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Invalid AppId passed on token: xxx
#6799 opened by raych1 - 3
How to migrate from Bot SDK 4.3 to Azure Bot Service
#6789 opened by ivikashjha - 1
CS0012 The type 'InvokeResponse' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced.
#6795 opened by Mertsch - 0
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Convert to new CodeQL suppression syntax
#6781 opened by tracyboehrer - 3
Provide Logging around config issues with auth
#6780 opened by tracyboehrer - 6
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The Bot Framework SDK for C# does not return a value in the Activity.LocalTimezone property when using Copilot in Microsoft Teams
#6770 opened by rfessia - 0
Adaptive card sent by bot builder framework only shows "Sent a card" as the message, in iPhone
#6774 opened by hussain-nz