
There are 8 repositories under microsoft-services topic.

  • 201206030/novel-cloud

    novel-cloud 是基于 novel 构建的 Spring Cloud 微服务技术栈学习型小说项目。选用了 Spring Boot 3 、Spring Cloud 2022、Spring Cloud Alibaba 2022、MyBatis-Plus、ShardingSphere-JDBC、Redis、RabbitMQ、Elasticsearch 、XXL-JOB 等流行技术。

  • Azure/CCOInsights

    Welcome to the Continuous Cloud Optimization Power BI Dashboard GitHub Project. In this repository you will find all the guidance and files needed to deploy the Dashboard in your environment to take benefit of a single pane of glass to get insights about your Azure resources and services.

  • kristofferandreasen/awesome-azure

    A Curated List of Azure Resources. The list provides you with enough resources to get a full overview of the services in Azure and get started with cloud computing.

  • alexandrtovmach/react-microsoft-login

    Microsoft services authorization with React.

  • PreyumKr/Hospital-Details-Consulting-Bot

    Future Ready Talent Project Repository. Visit my project webpage by clicking the link below 👇👇🏻👇🏼👇🏽👇🏾👇🏿

  • muhammadsrf/Unity-Login-Registration-Page-Development

    A case study project on solving login or account registration issues in a game.

  • uHappyLogic/BusinessIntelligencePlayground

    Toying with Microsoft SQL and analysis services

  • PaoloGuimalan/NeonService

    Worker Service for Neon Remote (cross-platform). Used for remotely controlling, live monitoring your devices, accessing all devices as one merged network through web by listening through server sent event streams.
