
Future Ready Talent Project Repository. Visit my project webpage by clicking the link below πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸΎπŸ‘‡πŸΏ

Primary LanguageHTML


β˜’β€ΌNot Maintained anymore!β€Όβ˜’

It is a Future Ready Talent Project Repository created to showcase the use of azure chatbot services in the medical line of work.

The Website and chatbot works best only in pc or desktop screen and if opened on mobile screen the components gets mixed with each other and disrupt the functionality.

The chatbot remains open in the begining but it won't disturb the users as the users can hide the bot using the Health-ChatBot Button just next to the chat bot.

The chatbot tells the users about the details of the hospital, description about diseases and since it is the era of corona it also tells the user about covid-19 and its precautionary measures.

The names used in the contact details provided by the bot are all imaginary and none of those names refer to any real person. Any resemblence of the details with real life people is purely coincidental.

The website also contains links for my instagram, facebook and linkedin profiles. It also contains my contact number and my email-id so if the project invigilator wants to contact me for any reason they can refer to those information.

Example of the chatbot uses:-

  • Say Hi to Raj your healthGuide.
  • Ask him his name and interact with him.
  • Say Covid prevention to learn about covid-19 prevention
  • Say covid/corona to learn about corona
  • Say covid symptoms to learn about the symptoms of covid-19
  • Type how to wash hands
  • I tried to add a few diseases that one can learn about but there are a lot of diseases and Its not easy to include every disease.
    • Type hepatitis | stroke | diabetes | Alzhimer's symptoms | prevention to learn about their respective details.
  • Type Help to learn about what the bot can do.
  • The bot can't tell about any and all departments present in any real hospital. It is just for demonstration so it contains info about only departments contained in the website.
  • Type Hospital Doctor [Department] to learn about the doctors, details of that particular department.
  • Type Hospital Timing to learn about hospital timings
  • Type Hospital Cost to learn about hospital consultancy cost and room charges.
