
There are 15 repositories under middleware-functions topic.

  • htunnicliff/next-api-middleware

    Middleware for API routes using the Next.js Pages Router

  • unbug/js-middleware

    Powerful Javascript Middleware Pattern Implementation, apply middleweares to any object.

  • poppinss/co-compose

    Implementation of the chain of responsibility design pattern

  • lmaftuleac/schnapps-core

    Schnapps is a library that brings a cleaner approach to controller/service structure in APIs. Improves code readability and testability, helps build reusable blocks and decreases development effort

  • vivekreddy-k/covid19-authentication-expressJS-application

    Sample APIs are created using NodeJS, ExpressJS , SQLite where only authenticated users can perform any operation on the database. JWT Tokens are used to verify users and only if user has valid JWT token he can perform operations on the database. Middleware functions are used to authenticate.

  • creativecreature/aws-lambda-express-middlewares

    A lightweight alternative to step functions. Create middlewares with an express-like API.

  • messengerjs/express-messenger

    ⓧ Solid, extensible middleware for Facebook Messenger bots running on Express

  • mindstorm38/php-sfw

    An Object-Oriented PHP Framework

  • SydneyHopson/node-auth2-project

    Using JSON Web Tokens: Build an API with authentication and authorization using Node.js, Express, and Knex. Implement database access functions, middleware functions, and endpoints for registration and login.

  • vsnikkil/generic-middleware-utils

    Utility functions to generate middleware functions for http-interfaces

  • SydneyHopson/web-sprint-challenge-build-a-web-api

    Build API with CRUD functionality for projects and actions. Create NPM scripts, consume environment variables, implement endpoints, and build middleware functions. Follow best practices. Test and refine.

  • angelalouh/project-grubdash-api

    Thinkful Project: set up a RESTful API for a fictional startup, GrubDash, wrote complex validation functions, custom middleware functions, and built specific routes. Of note, the front-end application was provided for this assignment.

  • dhirajkumar0/covid19-authentication-expressJS-application

    Sample APIs are created using NodeJS, ExpressJS , SQLite where only authenticated users can perform any operation on the database. JWT Tokens are used to verify users and only if user has valid JWT token he can perform operations on the database. Middleware functions are used to authenticate.

  • kuff/dropbox-cors-redirect

    Dropbox file sharing redirect to circumvent CORS restrictions

  • tiffanyswong314/Project-GrubDash

    Chegg Skills | Thinkful Project: GrubDash
