
Dropbox file sharing redirect to circumvent CORS restrictions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dropbox CORS Redirect

Simple redirector for Dropbox links, to ensure that required CORS headers are in place.


When a Dropbox link is fetched, it returns a redirection to the actual file location. The issue that arises is that these redirections (there can be more than one depending on the initial link) don't add the required access-control-allow-origin header. For example, starting with the Dropbox link https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ef30lt0c51o1uf/CalabiYau5.jpg?dl=0, we have the following requests:

curl  -L -v \
      -H 'Origin: http://www.example.com' \
      'https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ef30lt0c51o1uf/CalabiYau5.jpg?dl=0' 2>&1 > /dev/null \
      | grep -i -e '^< access-control-' -e '^< http' -e '^< location'
< HTTP/2 301
< location: /s/raw/4ef30lt0c51o1uf/CalabiYau5.jpg
< HTTP/2 302
< location: https://uc062dde02acb0618d3ba6b67ce3.dl.dropboxusercontent.com/cd/0/inline/ARdB4wHUPicq44yKqb9hajAm7XNgMo9EUy8qZgfC4_lVoKmW--Kqf_NeIlGAqcHLViCOJsEFrKN0aGZvQ4UbyyZ0AZ0AUL_uhXw5opFBKMiSAz-523O8S_HpFlibkApxL2Db8NbBsHcONl2hp_712Bx-1BJt0_-4Sbbbh9AJ5Ma2D1qv42i499E59c0DRm1vd08/file
< HTTP/2 200
< access-control-allow-origin: *
< access-control-expose-headers: Accept-Ranges, Content-Encoding, Content-Length, Content-Range, X-Dropbox-Metadata, X-Dropbox-Request-Id, X-JSON, X-Server-Response-Time, Timing-Allow-Origin, x-dropbox-pdf-password-needed

Note that, throughout the redirects, there are no access-control-* headers being returned; only for the final request is this the case.

When doing the same from the browser:

function on (promise) {
  return promise
    .then(result => [null, result])
    .catch(error => [error, null]);

const urls = [

urls.forEach(async (url) => {
  const request = new Request(url);

  const [error, response] = await on(fetch(request));
  if (response) {
    console.log(`Yay: status: ${response.status} redirected: ${response.redirected} type: ${response.type}`);
  } else {
    console.log(`Nay: ${error.message}`);

we get the following output (re-arranged to reproduce the ordering above):

[Error] Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
[Error] Fetch API cannot load https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ef30lt0c51o1uf/CalabiYau5.jpg?dl=0 due to access control checks.
[Error] Failed to load resource: Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. (CalabiYau5.jpg, line 0)
[Log] Nay: Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. (example.js, line 20)

[Error] Cross-origin redirection to https://uc062dde02acb0618d3ba6b67ce3.dl.dropboxusercontent.com/cd/0/inline/ARdB4wHUPicq44yKqb9hajAm7XNgMo9EUy8qZgfC4_lVoKmW--Kqf_NeIlGAqcHLViCOJsEFrKN0aGZvQ4UbyyZ0AZ0AUL_uhXw5opFBKMiSAz-523O8S_HpFlibkApxL2Db8NbBsHcONl2hp_712Bx-1BJt0_-4Sbbbh9AJ5Ma2D1qv42i499E59c0DRm1vd08/file denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
[Error] Fetch API cannot load https://www.dropbox.com/s/raw/4ef30lt0c51o1uf/CalabiYau5.jpg due to access control checks.
[Error] Failed to load resource: Cross-origin redirection to https://uc062dde02acb0618d3ba6b67ce3.dl.dropboxusercontent.com/cd/0/inline/ARdB4wHUPicq44yKqb9hajAm7XNgMo9EUy8qZgfC4_lVoKmW--Kqf_NeIlGAqcHLViCOJsEFrKN0aGZvQ4UbyyZ0AZ0AUL_uhXw5opFBKMiSAz-523O8S_HpFlibkApxL2Db8NbBsHcONl2hp_712Bx-1BJt0_-4Sbbbh9AJ5Ma2D1qv42i499E59c0DRm1vd08/file denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. (CalabiYau5.jpg, line 0)
[Log] Nay: Cross-origin redirection to https://uc062dde02acb0618d3ba6b67ce3.dl.dropboxusercontent.com/cd/0/inline/ARdB4wHUPicq44yKqb9hajAm7XNgMo9EUy8qZgfC4_lVoKmW--Kqf_NeIlGAqcHLViCOJsEFrKN0aGZvQ4UbyyZ0AZ0AUL_uhXw5opFBKMiSAz-523O8S_HpFlibkApxL2Db8NbBsHcONl2hp_712Bx-1BJt0_-4Sbbbh9AJ5Ma2D1qv42i499E59c0DRm1vd08/file denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. (example.js, line 20)

[Log] Yay: status: 200 redirected: false type: cors (example.js, line 18)

which reinforces the same.


This small function can be hosted on one of the serverless providers (AWS Lambda, Azure Functions or Google Cloud Functions) and will provide an endpoint to pass the unmodified Dropbox link. The response to this request will be a redirect to the final content URL, with the access-control-allow-origin header set appropriately.

For example, when deployed to Azure functions, the initial URL can be replaced with:


Fetching that gives us:

curl  -L -v \
      -H 'Origin: http://www.example.com' \
      'https://<app-name>.azurewebsites.net/api/<function-name>?code=<api-key>&dropboxUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dropbox.com%2Fs%2F4ef30lt0c51o1uf%2FCalabiYau5.jpg%3Fdl%3D0' 2>&1 > /dev/null \
      | grep -i -e '^< access-control-' -e '^< http' -e '^< location'
< HTTP/1.1 302 Found
< Location: https://uc062dde02acb0618d3ba6b67ce3.dl.dropboxusercontent.com/cd/0/inline/ARdB4wHUPicq44yKqb9hajAm7XNgMo9EUy8qZgfC4_lVoKmW--Kqf_NeIlGAqcHLViCOJsEFrKN0aGZvQ4UbyyZ0AZ0AUL_uhXw5opFBKMiSAz-523O8S_HpFlibkApxL2Db8NbBsHcONl2hp_712Bx-1BJt0_-4Sbbbh9AJ5Ma2D1qv42i499E59c0DRm1vd08/file
< access-control-allow-origin: *
< HTTP/2 200
< access-control-allow-origin: *
< access-control-expose-headers: Accept-Ranges, Content-Encoding, Content-Length, Content-Range, X-Dropbox-Metadata, X-Dropbox-Request-Id, X-JSON, X-Server-Response-Time, Timing-Allow-Origin, x-dropbox-pdf-password-needed

As you can see from the output above, this both skips the intermediate redirect and adds the access-control-allow-origin as required.

In the browser:

function on (promise) {
  return promise
    .then(result => [null, result])
    .catch(error => [error, null]);

const urls = [

urls.forEach(async (url) => {
  const request = new Request(url);

  const [error, response] = await on(fetch(request));
  if (response) {
    console.log(`Yay: status: ${response.status} redirected: ${response.redirected} type: ${response.type}`);
  } else {
    console.log(`Nay: ${error.message}`);

gives us:

[Log] Yay: status: 200 redirected: true type: cors (example.js, line 16)

Content image (CalabiYau5.jpg) attribution: Andrew J. Hanson, Indiana University.